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It's funny, I consider myself liberal with conservative tendencies. But more than anything else, I don't give a shit about a fair amount of things.

But I think we could do better without state governments and/or federal governments. 90%+ of our "representative" body is old white dudes... that's not the way the US is. If 25% of people are homeless, there should be some homeless people in the government... extreme but true.

w/e go ahead and flame me :)

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It's funny, I consider myself liberal with conservative tendencies. But more than anything else, I don't give a shit about a fair amount of things.

But I think we could do better without state governments and/or federal governments. 90%+ of our "representative" body is old white dudes... that's not the way the US is. If 25% of people are homeless, there should be some homeless people in the government... extreme but true.

w/e go ahead and flame me :)

:wtf: how much is crack going for now-a-days :lol: jk man

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It's funny, I consider myself liberal with conservative tendencies. But more than anything else, I don't give a shit about a fair amount of things.

But I think we could do better without state governments and/or federal governments. 90%+ of our "representative" body is old white dudes... that's not the way the US is. If 25% of people are homeless, there should be some homeless people in the government... extreme but true.

w/e go ahead and flame me :)

I understand your reasoning, very extreme but a good point. I don;t feel like getting in to why it won't, because I don't like where it could end up going.

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I understand your reasoning, very extreme but a good point. I don;t feel like getting in to why it won't, because I don't like where it could end up going.

np, I appreciate the civility. End of the day, when the rubber meets the road, flying at 30,000 feet we have to look at big picture, really get down to brass tacks and leverage cross team synergies here. If we don't shave the baby we're never going to be able to win this race, but the best we can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes right? Worse case we go back to the drawing board and hammer this out during lunch.


We will NEVER have 100% of people happy, true story.

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np, I appreciate the civility. End of the day, when the rubber meets the road, flying at 30,000 feet we have to look at big picture, really get down to brass tacks and leverage cross team synergies here. If we don't shave the baby we're never going to be able to win this race, but the best we can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes right? Worse case we go back to the drawing board and hammer this out during lunch.


We will NEVER have 100% of people happy, true story.

Wow! Typing cat was busy there!

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This looks to be a nice graphic of a "set" of "talking points".

I admire the artwork, but can't help seeing the bias.

C'mon, color coding it red and blue?

Liberals love their children and conservatives don't?!?

I can't help but wonder how this was determined?

Perhaps it would help to put this in focus, realize the person who made it is a citizen of the UK. The might not see things the same way as a US citizen might, ya think?

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It's funny, I consider myself liberal with conservative tendencies. But more than anything else, I don't give a shit about a fair amount of things.

But I think we could do better without state governments and/or federal governments. 90%+ of our "representative" body is old white dudes... that's not the way the US is. If 25% of people are homeless, there should be some homeless people in the government... extreme but true.

w/e go ahead and flame me :)

I won't flame ya man :) But I will say I don't think you should be able to vote unless you pay taxes. I also wouldn't be against voting (at least on a federal level) being opened to only property owners. This would prevent politicians from draining our economic system with handouts to gain votes. I'm okay with saying that people who are tax paying and or property owners have a more vested interest in this country than a homeless person. Too much bullshit legislation is being passed right now to "buy votes" and cripple our already down economy. Its weird how most businesses and people that have a financial interest in this country are against this legislation. Those who have nothing to lose and everything to gain support it.

I don't know if I'm for this, but I've heard people propose the idea (although I think its illegal right now because it would be considered a poll tax) but charging people a tax to vote. I hate taxes just as much as the next guy. But if you paid 20, 50 bucks to vote, think how much money that would raise for the government, prevent voter fraud, and maybe cause people to put more intelligence into their vote instead of going "ehhrr I saw a commmercial for this dude, yeah!! hope, change!!!" (not saying all people voted for obama because of his slogan, but it did test well in the focus groups :) ) I'm not saying I'm for this particular idea, but it is compelling.

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I don't know if I'm for this, but I've heard people propose the idea (although I think its illegal right now because it would be considered a poll tax) but charging people a tax to vote. I hate taxes just as much as the next guy. But if you paid 20, 50 bucks to vote, think how much money that would raise for the government, prevent voter fraud, and maybe cause people to put more intelligence into their vote instead of going "ehhrr I saw a commmercial for this dude, yeah!! hope, change!!!" (not saying all people voted for obama because of his slogan, but it did test well in the focus groups :) ) I'm not saying I'm for this particular idea, but it is compelling.

I don't know about that. I think too many people will say "I'm hurting for money right now, and I am only ONE vote, how much say will I actually have. I'll just keep my $20/$50 and put food on my table" "I'm not gooing to vote now, it's my right to be able to vote - for free. Just another way the gov't is scamming the people." Or something to that effect. I think it would go in the opposite direction you hope for. .02

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np, I appreciate the civility. End of the day, when the rubber meets the road, flying at 30,000 feet we have to look at big picture, really get down to brass tacks and leverage cross team synergies here. If we don't shave the baby we're never going to be able to win this race, but the best we can do is run it up the flag pole and see who salutes right? Worse case we go back to the drawing board and hammer this out during lunch.


We will NEVER have 100% of people happy, true story.


We'll need to brainstorm some of the key "big rock" items - peel back layers of the onion, bake the plan, get this ready for prime time. As long as we're all rowing the oars the same way we should trend well....

Edited by jblosser
capital S in AS
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I won't flame ya man :) But I will say I don't think you should be able to vote unless you pay taxes. I also wouldn't be against voting (at least on a federal level) being opened to only property owners. This would prevent politicians from draining our economic system with handouts to gain votes. I'm okay with saying that people who are tax paying and or property owners have a more vested interest in this country than a homeless person. Too much bullshit legislation is being passed right now to "buy votes" and cripple our already down economy.

What are you gonna do about renters? College kids & young people who aren't homeowners yet?

Are they to be excluded?

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What are you gonna do about renters? College kids & young people who aren't homeowners yet?

Are they to be excluded?

sorry about your luck! we all know 99% of college kids are flaming libs anyways! whats one less vote for a democrat? haha jk

You could have a clause that people who choose to rent instead of mortgaging a house could be included. I was just spitballin' but the point is to get away from the ideology of people like jennifer brunner who want homeless people to register their address as a park bench (this actually happened last election) and be able to cast votes. It just opens up the possibility for voter fraud so much, not too mention acorn workers going around and giving them a 5 spot to say hey vote for Obama, or politicians creating more welfare crutches to support people and receive their votes.

Here's a classic example of a lady at a welfare office in detroit wanting housing assistance.


and local video...


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I personally would oppose any attempt to block American citizens from voting.

Too many people in this country have fought and died to gain/ exercise their rights to suffrage, and it's a vital part of what gives us our strength. There's a reason every other industrialized country has moved toward some form of democracy.

And anyway, if your ideas are so weak that the only way to implement them is to block people from voting, that's your problem, not democracy's.

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I suppose we should give illegal aliens the right to vote too since they're here anyways? right?
I personally would oppose any attempt to block American citizens from voting.

American Citizens and illegal aliens are not the same thing. Don't conflate allowing all citizens to be full citizens with allowing non-citizens to act like citizens. Bad argument.

Anyway, it's not what I said.

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well we have "citizens" that are here legally and don't carry much distinction from illegal aliens. Except illegal aliens are usually employed. They don't pay taxes, they receive welfare, housing assistance, etc... I don't feel those people should have a voice in our government because they're an economic drain on society and most if not all policy that is passed has no bearing on them, with the exception of more free goodies!

I mean think about it, we're the only country that has "poor" people who are overweight.

You don't have to agree with me, and I don't think you ever do :) but thats just how I feel.

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Removing their voice from government won't make them go away.

If you want to push for restructuring policy to help get them off their asses by giving them access to education or by reforming trade policies to bring back the manufacturing jobs that used to gainfully employ such people, then we're in agreement. Every prosperous society has some people that are a drain (they just die in poor societies), there's no way to eliminate the problem. But there are ways to mitigate/ reduce their numbers.

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