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Removing their voice from government won't make them go away.

If you want to push for restructuring policy to help get them off their asses by giving them access to education or by reforming trade policies to bring back the manufacturing jobs that used to gainfully employ such people, then we're in agreement. Every prosperous society has some people that are a drain (they just die in poor societies), there's no way to eliminate the problem. But there are ways to mitigate/ reduce their numbers.

hmmm we have free public education? we give pell grants to people who are impoverished and want to go to college, we even give scholarships to minorities so they can go to school for free too! (don't worry about trade deficit, the dollar is falling fast and soon it'll be cheaper to produce stuff here again and we'll have those manufacturing jobs back). Also a lot of people don't realize there's 7.2 million jobs in the U.S. right now that are unfilled. People don't do enough to "retrain" themselves to become marketable in a down economy. The problem is all those things you speak of are already in place. Some people are inherently lazy and when you give them handouts, it only enables them to be more lazy. Take away the handouts and it might motivate them to provide their own sustenance.

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@JRM you suck, I hate horizontal scroll

@Everyone Else, what makes someone a full citizen? 18 and can vote? 21 and can drink? 35 and can be president?

yah that's what I thought

inb4: Obama isn't a citizen, Obama has no proof he's >35, hahatroll, and [var_Direction] are insane and can't be reasoned with

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hmmm we have free public education? we give pell grants to people who are impoverished and want to go to college, we even give scholarships to minorities so they can go to school for free too! (don't worry about trade deficit, the dollar is falling fast and soon it'll be cheaper to produce stuff here again and we'll have those manufacturing jobs back). Also a lot of people don't realize there's 7.2 million jobs in the U.S. right now that are unfilled. People don't do enough to "retrain" themselves to become marketable in a down economy. The problem is all those things you speak of are already in place. Some people are inherently lazy and when you give them handouts, it only enables them to be more lazy. Take away the handouts and it might motivate them to provide their own sustenance.

A high-school diploma won't get you many of the decent jobs that are still unfilled.

As a current Pell Grant recipient and a minority (I apparently didn't get a check for that), I can tell you they're not exactly enough to allow people to go back to school and 'retrain'. I'm bankrupting my entire family to do this, and it's only possible because we had savings (and my formerly good credit) to draw on. If we had started any lower on the totem pole, this wouldn't have been possible at all.

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A high-school diploma won't get you many of the decent jobs that are still unfilled.

You could be a cop. Decent job, only requires a HS education, potential ability to kill or be killed on any given day. Oozes masculinity, demands respect, and gives you the authority you have always craved to force people to believe your judgment is the best... because you have a gun and a badge.

Maybe you could swing right afterall, eh?

Edited by JRMMiii
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You could be a cop. Decent job, only requires a HS education, potential ability to kill or be killed on any given day. Oozes masculinity, demands respect, and gives you the authority you have always craved to force people to believe your judgment is the best... because you have a gun and a badge.

Maybe you could swing right afterall, eh?

Wow... what a wonderful description of a LEO... Sweet!

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well we have "citizens" that are here legally and don't carry much distinction from illegal aliens. Except illegal aliens are usually employed. They don't pay taxes, they receive welfare, housing assistance, etc... I don't feel those people should have a voice in our government because they're an economic drain on society and most if not all policy that is passed has no bearing on them, with the exception of more free goodies!

I mean think about it, we're the only country that has "poor" people who are overweight.

You don't have to agree with me, and I don't think you ever do :) but thats just how I feel.

I happen to agree. I would like to see Voting fairness. We already have many voting restriction now that people just dont think about. For instance: I am not allowed to vote in the district that I own property. I dont live there! I have rental houses there and that makes it so my renters can go and vote to raise my taxes, vote on school issues I must pay for, vote on public works issues I must pay for but I have no right to vote there. I believe I should have more right to vote there than they do because I am a tax paying, employed, property owner who is directly affected by the vote. My renters are unemployed public assistance recepients who by their choice are at the mercy of others for their well being.

I will go as far as saying that if you depend on any public assistance, you should not be able to vote. Period!

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I will go as far as saying that if you depend on any public assistance, you should not be able to vote. Period!

Well, I guess that would stop old people from voting their outdated views and stupid fear of the future into our laws. Medicare/ SS FTW! :rolleyes:

(Not really. Even though I hate the way old people tend to vote, I still support their rights to do so.)

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I guess if it were up to me..... I'd make an exception for retired. If you've worked your whole life, paid your way.... you deserve it. My town is full of people who have the "never done it, never will" attitude about work and to be honest, I'm sick to death of supporting their able bodied, lazy, fat asses. Its surprising how fast someone can pull their life together when all assistance is denied them....... heck I've actually seen people stoop so low as to fill out an application........... Simply amazing!

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