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I want to move out of the country, but...


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I've realized anywhere I move to will require me to be disarmed, I'm a bit surprised really. Maybe I'm blissfully ignorant, but I really didn't know our firearm laws were so pro-citizen when compared to other countries (I knew England and Canada sucked).

My wife and I were/are seriously considering moving to Israel, but you have to be a citizen for 3 years and an active reservist (not really an issue there) to be armed. (I could forgo that requirement if I moved to the west bank or gaza, but that's not happening, but I have no problem enrolling as a reservist, they would because I can't walk a mile, but still)

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I've realized anywhere I move to will require me to be disarmed, I'm a bit surprised really. Maybe I'm blissfully ignorant, but I really didn't know our firearm laws were so pro-citizen when compared to other countries (I knew England and Canada sucked).

Don't worry, before BHO is done you won't be able to have a gun here either. I'd just wait it out if I were you.

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I'm not Jewish - so I don't understand what possesses seemingly smart individuals to willingly go to a war-torn country where the odds of getting blown up by a homicide bomber are very real.

I'm not in any way attempting to "dis" your religion, I just don't get it. I can see it if Judaism was originally from Miami Beach (might be, lots of Jewish people down there...). Nice scenery, warm, no incoming missiles.

I realize Muslims are supposed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime, is there something in the Jewish religion like that also?

A buddy of mine's mother has been there 4 or 5 times now as a Christian Missionary - according to her, she might as well be selling heroin - she has to do it in secret. They (the Israeli police) are not tolerant of Christians.

I also realize that what you want to do and where you want to live is none of my business, but you brought it up, so I'm interested.

(trying to become edumucated, not trying to start religious wars).

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I'm not Jewish - so I don't understand what possesses seemingly smart individuals to willingly go to a war-torn country where the odds of getting blown up by a homicide bomber are very real.

I'm not in any way attempting to "dis" your religion, I just don't get it. I can see it if Judaism was originally from Miami Beach (might be, lots of Jewish people down there...). Nice scenery, warm, no incoming missiles.

I realize Muslims are supposed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime, is there something in the Jewish religion like that also?

A buddy of mine's mother has been there 4 or 5 times now as a Christian Missionary - according to her, she might as well be selling heroin - she has to do it in secret. They (the Israeli police) are not tolerant of Christians.

I also realize that what you want to do and where you want to live is none of my business, but you brought it up, so I'm interested.

(trying to become edumucated, not trying to start religious wars).

No worries. It's a mitzvah (good deed) to move to Israel, it's known as making "aliyah" or "to move up". Aside from the religious reasons, it's an amazing place, the source of all monotheistic religion. And it was really nice to be the religious majority there :)

We were there 1 week into Operation Cast Lead and aside from military helicopters on the Sabbath you'd never know there was a war going on (I have an issue with this, but that's ok)

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I had this talk about moving out of country with my daughter. Not because I'm irrational and think the government is after my guns, but because I wanted to head back to the family in the UK.

No was her request. I'm here for a couple more years. Then I can have a proper Cornish Pasty again...

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I had this talk about moving out of country with my daughter. Not because I'm irrational and think the government is after my guns, but because I wanted to head back to the family in the UK.

No was her request. I'm here for a couple more years. Then I can have a proper Cornish Pasty again...

I should be clear, I DON'T want to move because of firearms, OR any political reason with the United States.

I, like you, wish to move only for personal reasons. Just wanted to post this here because I noticed all the gun laws when I was looking at the Israel immigration process.

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It's your life and you live it once (I guess) so follow your heart. Goodluck and all the best with everything. I have worked with many many people from Israel, have a feeling it's an amazing place and lots smart courageous people.

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Likki, can anyone move to Isreal? Do you have to be Jewish?

Another question.

Have they ever thought about moving the Holy Land?

To say,IDK, Arizona?

I mean we should be able to dig it up right?

How deep does Holy Land go? 2-3 inches maybe?


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Likki, can anyone move to Isreal? Do you have to be Jewish?

Another question.

Have they ever thought about moving the Holy Land?

To say,IDK, Arizona?

I mean we should be able to dig it up right?

How deep does Holy Land go? 2-3 inches maybe?


No, anyone can move to Israel, but the "Law of Return" applies only to Jews. So it might be more difficult for gentiles. I know all I have to do is declare the want to live in Israel and I'll be granted dual citizenship.

No, it won't be moved because it's the land itself :) All the way down! You'd need a really big crane to move all that

why would you want to move to terrorist land? or area I mean?

lol troll more

Edit: I see you clarified. I'm not "afraid" of terrorists in Israel, it's very well protected. So long as you don't move to a city within missile distance of the terrorists in Gaza, Lebanon, or Syria you're ok. We were in the north 1 day before the terrorists launched missiles... shit happens. I'd like to live in Central Israel near Jerusalem.

Edited by Likwid
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