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This is rigoddamndiculous!


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Just when you think people are done scrounging around in the most obscure ways to prompte themeselves, the Anti Defamation League pulls this stunt. I have always beena closet Penn State fan, but now I am looking to buy one of these shirts myself and wear the fucker out. Not becuase I think it IS what the ADL is saying it is, but simply because it pisses them off. And before anyone thinks this is an anti-semetic rant, its anything but. I have a great respect and fondness for the Jewish community. But they apparently have their own Pat Robertsons and Jesse Jacksons.


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What a fucking joke. People take this thing called life way to seriously. The best part is that when you ask people that are offended by such things as this, they cannot give you a response that doesn't have a thousand holes in it or they spewing some line of BS that they are regurgitating from someone else.

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Stupid fucking shit to be complaining over.

I liked and respected Penn State when they weren't in our conference since I thought they had a nice program going on. When they got into the Big Ten they became our rivals and now I hate them although not as much as I do that team up north. I remember the first game we played against them when they joined our conference and some of their fans had signs that said Another Big ten Cake walk since the game was televised on ABC. We kicked their stupid asses that year.

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