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Anthony Green needs your help


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I'm trying to obtain at least 100 signatures from family and friends to take to court to shove up the ass of Children's Services and their overbearing bullshit so I can keep my kids.

If you wanna hear the short version, Jessica slapped my daughter a few weeks ago after the kids flooded the kitchen with soap and water and my daughter slipped in it (from the slap and losing her balance) and hit her face on the stove corner. She got a small bruise.

In a seperate incident the same day, my wife was bitten by a dog, had to go to the hospital, and someone reported my daughter's bruise to Children's Services. Everything has gone downhill fast, and the State has tried to take my kids, but fortunately the Courts haven't *yet*, but now my ex-wife is using this as her ticket to trying to take custody of them. So I'm fighting two parties trying to take my kids from me, and need my wife back in our lives (she's currently not allowed around the kids until this is resolved, which may be this Thursday if all goes well). That's the reason for me selling everything on the car I just bought, legal expenses.

So although you may not know my wife, I'm asking that you sign this for me and my kids, because you do know me and this is for my family. I can guarantee Jessica won't slap the kids ever again, this is one of those life lessons no one should have to go through.

Thanks everyone, I don't really ever ask for much and your support is really appreciated.


I've known Anthony Green for almost eight years. Some of you know he and I don't always see eye to eye anymore. In fact, we often despise each other nowadays. However, I know he and Jessica take good care of those kids. They both love them very much. This is complete bullshit. I hope you'll take the time to sign the petition if you know Anthony or Jessica, or if you just have something to add.

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the magistrate isn't even going to look at the petition. The best thing for your buddy to do is follow the recomendations of FCCS. Its likely that if he does everything they recomend they may dismiss the case.

+1 I doubt the petition will benefit them in anyway what so ever. If they are really concerned that their children might get taken they need to get a good lawyer quick.

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