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Top Ten Cities for Hot and Fit Singles


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BALTIMORE, MD?!!? Seriously?!!? I guess the poll was single and fit... Not fit and disease free. LOL.

I moved from DC in 2006, and I remember a study that was released that stated that at the time (2004 or 2005) both DC AND Baltimore were in the top 10 for US cities with reported HIV cases. I think that DC was ranked #1 (and not in the good, "I hope that my team is #1 in the BCS sense either), and BMore was a close 2nd or 3rd. What's crazy is that both of those cities are physically small and they're like 45-50 miles apart.

Also according to a study referenced in the book "The Tipping Point" (take this reference with a grain of salt), I believe that BMore was also leading the Syphillis effort as well.

Just sayin'

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BALTIMORE, MD?!!? Seriously?!!? I guess the poll was single and fit... Not fit and disease free. LOL.

I moved from DC in 2006, and I remember a study that was released that stated that at the time (2004 or 2005) both DC AND Baltimore were in the top 10 for US cities with reported HIV cases. I think that DC was ranked #1 (and not in the good, "I hope that my team is #1 in the BCS sense either), and BMore was a close 2nd or 3rd. What's crazy is that both of those cities are physically small and they're like 45-50 miles apart.

Also according to a study referenced in the book "The Tipping Point" (take this reference with a grain of salt), I believe that BMore was also leading the Syphillis effort as well.

Just sayin'

I heard DC dropped down a couple in that ranking, Columbus did move up though

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on a side note, all the fit single women live in the east, all the fit single men live in the west..... weird.

like a high school dance. lolz.

and I beg to differ on cbus Max... OSU/campus area props up our hot ladies rating. every time i drive through campus I "JIZZ... IN... MY PANTS!"

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Look around Columbus in general. Not just campus or trophy wife/soccer moms at easton.

Fatties everywhere who think its OK to be a pig cuz everyone else is.

now why the hell would i wanna go looking around for fatties when i can be blissfully ignorant checkin out college chicks and soccer moms :p

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big +1!

and if this new info is correct then WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THIS TAIL!!!!


Open your eyes. Where do you hang out? I tend to hang out in Dublin, Polaris, Grove City and the Arena District. I see so many hot girls, if I didn't have any self control I would be doing the sex offender shuffle.

If you have real trouble meeting girls, find a gay guy that is outgoing but not flaming and start hanging out with him. He will introduce to you more females than you can imagine because he has no inhibitions or fear of rejection. Seriously, it works. If you get real desperate, he may even help you out a bit. :bj::supergay:

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hang around smaller state schools. You'll find girls who are smart enough to get into college, but dumb/hot enough that it had to be Cleveland State :asshole:

(but seriously, I started law classes at cleveland state like 2 months after i got married, and immediately started questioning that call... there are some good-looking girls in this town; they just hibernate from November-April.)

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there are some good-looking girls in this town; they just hibernate from November-April

I think this happens in all cold weather areas. When I went to school in Cinci spring was like the coming out party of all the hot chicks

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anyone else notice that CO has two cities in the top 5 for overall fitness, and two in the top 3 for fit men, but none in teh top 10 for women?

my take: women move to CO and immediately start thinking, "well, i'm never going to have to wear a bathing suit again. I can eat that!"

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