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To protect and serve?


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This was a good discussion until a mod that didn't like its content moved it to this section. No rules were being violated and I don't think the mod read the whole thread before he moved it. It did get shit on once it was moved here. If it was a dick measuring contest both sides were equal and they were lovingly caressing each other.

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This is NOT me. Time for some more police discussion. I still don't see why this thread was moved.

I hate how if you are caught speeding they act like you're the most hardened criminal there is. If I was a cop I'd treat a high speeder just like any other 15mph over speeder until proven that I have to treat them differently. Sometimes I HATE cops. I've always wanted to be one, but I've always wanted to beat the shit out of many of them. :nono:

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This is NOT me. Time for some more police discussion. I still don't see why this thread was moved.

HOLY HELL BATMAN! ........You do NOT fly up past anyone, and jump out with you gun....:eek: Disaster.

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Well, if you notice there is another patrol car RIGHT behind them which means he was in pursuit as well. If they were in a chase, which is unknown by all of us, than drawing a weapon is a must. Am I going to completely defend that cop? Heck no! With the other patrol car there too, he should have let the on duty guy, unless of course he was undercover and on duty, take care of it.

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I'm still not clear about what exactly happened or if he touched the horse inappropriately. I am clear about the reports being falsified and that they state the guy was kicked by the horse as a way to explain his injuries. I do understand banding together to lessen the impact on your brothers in arms. Too bad for them there is video.

The motorcycle video isn't a huge deal to me. The guy in the car pulling his gun is over the top and didn't really have a good grasp of the situation. This should be no harm no foul except if he was charged with fleeing simply for backing away from someone who pulled a gun on him. This could have escalated into a bad situation but it didn't and hopefully the same scenario will not unfold again for any of those involved.



I have seen all of the complete dash cam videos of this shooting and it was a good shooting except there were two departments involved and cross fire was not very well contained.

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Video taping with a sound track is a federal wire tapping crime.

But I doubt it will stick, since there was no intent to do so.

Otherwise every person making a home movie is going to federal prison.

Not to mention that patrol cars taping events might be challenged as a result.

And all those viral people taping stuff with their phones will have to go to jail.

And everyone on utube...

oh hell, everyone just go to jail now, we is all guilty of something...

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It seems to me that if you are a law abiding citizen (like me :) ) you don't have to deal with the Police unless you need their help. I'm sure that some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn't mean that others didn't deserve what they got. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep order in our cities....what would we do without them? Occasionally they may overreact or get out of line....but come on....they work in fear of dying on a daily basis. They are given weapons and tools to disarm people for their protection and for ours. Punish the bad apples that get seriously out of line, but lets leave the rest of them alone....they're just trying to make a living like us, and they do it at their own risk each day to make sure we can go to sleep peacefully.

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It seems to me that if you are a law abiding citizen (like me :) ) you don't have to deal with the Police unless you need their help. I'm sure that some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn't mean that others didn't deserve what they got. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep order in our cities....what would we do without them? Occasionally they may overreact or get out of line....but come on....they work in fear of dying on a daily basis. They are given weapons and tools to disarm people for their protection and for ours. Punish the bad apples that get seriously out of line, but lets leave the rest of them alone....they're just trying to make a living like us, and they do it at their own risk each day to make sure we can go to sleep peacefully.

I like this one... :D

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Noone is arguing all police are useless and should be killed... I certainly didn't make that argument.

But my argument is, anytime you give folks the type of power the police have TAKEN there are going to be bad apples, and at that point something needs to be done. The main point of this thread is that the police force is meant to PROTECT and SERVE the community. Not enforce what they, their supervisors, or their supervisors' supervisor believe should be enforced.

Jumping out of a car and pointing a gun at a non-violent motorcyclist is not PROTECTING anyone. Beating students that are protesting is not PROTECTING anyone, tazing a non-compliant handcuffed individual is not PROTECTING anyone. Noone is saying ALL police are doing these things, but guess what.... it doesn't matter.

If a police officer tazed your friend, who is driving their car, and they won't stop... and you draw your sidearm and stop the police officer... what do you think is going to happen? You're GOING to get arrested, shot, harassed, and or killed. There is NO defending against a police officer... so what should people do to protect themselves?

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I don't see a pole in that video, just an absolutely rediculous case that should have never gone to a trial...

Officer shot at.... he shoots back.... but yet they need to bring the officer to court to justify the shooting

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The sparks when he hit the building made me think he hit a pole. Yeah found not guilty but why did it need to be brought to a trial at all unless the prosecutor has no discretion when a public servant is being charged. I can’t see how anyone after watching the video could need to deliberate for more than 15 seconds.

I did keep waiting for him to drop his empty magazine and reload though.

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The asshole is dead. His first shot was on a spent shell in his revolver. He was hit one time out of the 14 shots fired at him but that one was all that was needed to provide sufficient lead poisoning to expire this waste of skin.

Dang... you beat me to it!

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It seems to me that if you are a law abiding citizen (like me :) ) you don't have to deal with the Police unless you need their help. I'm sure that some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn't mean that others didn't deserve what they got. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep order in our cities....what would we do without them? Occasionally they may overreact or get out of line....but come on....they work in fear of dying on a daily basis. They are given weapons and tools to disarm people for their protection and for ours. Punish the bad apples that get seriously out of line, but lets leave the rest of them alone....they're just trying to make a living like us, and they do it at their own risk each day to make sure we can go to sleep peacefully.

I wish I could live in your world. I could write an entire diatribe on how naive this is, but I would be essentially plagiarizing. I know for a lot of you it's a repost, but it's something Sara clearly needs to see.


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I wish I could live in your world. I could write an entire diatribe on how naive this is, but I would be essentially plagiarizing. I know for a lot of you it's a repost, but it's something Sara clearly needs to see.

Part 2 is great too.

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It seems to me that if you are a law abiding citizen (like me :) ) you don't have to deal with the Police unless you need their help. I'm sure that some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn't mean that others didn't deserve what they got. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep order in our cities....what would we do without them? Occasionally they may overreact or get out of line....but come on....they work in fear of dying on a daily basis. They are given weapons and tools to disarm people for their protection and for ours. Punish the bad apples that get seriously out of line, but lets leave the rest of them alone....they're just trying to make a living like us, and they do it at their own risk each day to make sure we can go to sleep peacefully.

The second you get pulled over for a headlight out, and arrested for an outstanding ticket, with daughter in tow (that had been paid, and later proven... Yeah Fuck you NC and your backwards ass BMV), and all the subsequent bills and waste of time, you might start to see it a little different. Living in Grandview, I can say these people shark around and collect money. That covers it.

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