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Fox News hates Obama, America and is unfair.


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No I didn't. I actually bothered to read both articles.

They ripped Bush in the first as much as they claimed 11,000 jobs was "a big improvement." in the second. They did neither.

I guess the point is people like to make shit up?

I should clarify the second sentence more, but people keep making me work. :( What are they thinking? :D I guess it is true though if you only read the headline meant to grab your attention and not bother to read through the articles. So you win, I'm busy. :p

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Holy crap, I JUST noticed the prairie dog in your lap...

It's a Meerkat. 2 years ago we went out to San Diego to go to a Meerkat rescue place. Run by one of the ladies that started the original study in the Kalahari Desert. It was freaking awesome, the most amazing thing I have ever done. It was almost spiritual hanging out with the little dudes for the day.

You 'adopt' them for the day for a hundred bucks or so and she teaches you all about them while you hang with them. You and up to 3 people you bring, her and the meerkats. Nobody else.


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It's a Meerkat. 2 years ago we went out to San Diego to go to a Meerkat rescue place. Run by one of the ladies that started the original study in the Kalahari Desert. It was freaking awesome, the most amazing thing I have ever done. It was almost spiritual hanging out with the little dudes for the day.

You 'adopt' them for the day for a hundred bucks or so and she teaches you all about them while you hang with them. You and up to 3 people you bring, her and the meerkats. Nobody else.


Holy crap, that really is awesome. Man that must have been a cool experience. They ever get aggressive?

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They ever get aggressive?

No, not even close. They are very intelligent, curious and gentle. They got a bit wound up when a big bird flew way overhead, birds of prey are their most fear enemies so they all went into sentry mode watching it and chattering warnings. But not aggressive, they were just keeping an eye on it. Getting that guy to sit in my lap was easy, just fed him a few bugs and he climbed right up.

Here are some more pics from that part of the trip:


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Nice! I want one! :D

Can't in the US. If you could I would already have one (hell I would have a dozen of them). You have to have a special license from the Feds. This lady is the only non-zoo in the US to have one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know, I have tried to watch CNN a couple times lately and I found it to be a very passive news. I mean they were not blatantly biased; it was more like they just left stuff out and the subjects they talked about that would be controversial subjects, were discussed as if only one viewpoint existed. It seemed funny to watch something that was designed to keep you calm and anesthetized when typically it would be very divisive. And I never once saw anything about Meerkats………. Strange……

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