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so im the most unlucky person on the forum.........

kawi kid

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So as alot of you know i tore my knee exactly a year ago from december first. Well im all healed up from that and im back to 100%. So im at work last monday, november 30th, and im filling an over head diesel tank. I try to pull more hose out of my truck and it hangs up in the reel, i lose my balance and fall backwards and land on an old style radiator wall heater. :mad: i land flat on my tail bone with no ability to stop or cushion my fall. Well now long story short i now have a fractured tail bone :nono:

FML!!! :mad::mad::mad:

sorry had to rant but everytime i get healed up from one injury i fuck myself up a new and different way!! :violin:

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Oh yeah, those hurt. I haven't tried it yet though. Don't want to.

Roll through, land on your shoulders, and use your arms to break your fall on the ground.

I know, it doesn't always work that way...

i didnt have that option ill have to get the pic up of the situation i was in. i fell straight down onto a steel radiator heater. like flat on my ass, right onto the corner of it. :nono: it was so stupid of me.

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You sound like my brother he tore his acl on his left knee, and then healed up and was screwing around playing baseball with his wifes family and tore his right knee acl.

same here tore my right acl playing indoor soccer while i was in high school. ten years to the date i tore my left knee last year playin indoor again :nono:

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