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Laughing my ass off at the ex.

DTM Brian

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hay man you should ask her if down the road when she marries the pizza dude and files for divorce and gets half . Does she want the half with pep or the half with mushroom . Lol


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Brian, i have been through the same thing a couple times. (One cost me more than the other) Best thing to do is Walk the fuk away and dont look back.

making it seem like it dont bother you will hurt her worse than anything!! esp since she is 21 she is still in that stage where she prob facebook/myspace stalks you daily, put up your pics of you having the time of your life!!

lets face it you are!!! cuz you got ride of a problem now that would have costed you way way more in the future. like i said i have dealt with this a few times now and you are way better off man. you are a nice guy i have met you a few times now and know you are a pretty good fella, you will find someone that makes you happy when the time is right.

I agree with many on here. My first wife cheated on me several times. She was a part-time model, attracted men everywhere we went like flies.

We've been divorced for almost 15 years now. She still still calls me every 2 years or so and tries to hook-up. Each time I tell her to $%^& off and still every few years she calls again. Starts out by trying to seduce me and when I tell her to take a flying leap she goes all ape-shit and suddenly I was the worst husband in the world.

I'm VERY happily married now and have been for 13 years. Recently my ex checked out my facebook pics and called me ...again.. starting bitching about I how was a hypocrite etc... turns out she caught the pics of my wife and I enjoying ourselves on vacation etc.. pissed her off. Evidently she hasn't been able to find anyone stupid enough to stay with her any longer than it takes to bang it and then leave it.

AHHHHH.. I must say reading her e-mail sent waves of complete satisfaction all through my body.


Like so many have said .. drop her..let her go completly. Trust me someone finer will come along and when you see what it's like to be with someone that loves you for you you'll wonder why you ever hooked up with her in the first place.

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Like so many have said .. drop her..let her go completly. Trust me someone finer will come along and when you see what it's like to be with someone that loves you for you you'll wonder why you ever hooked up with her in the first place.

**SIGH** that's real motherf***in talk right there... I so, so hope you are right...

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Lots of good stuff in this post. Major props to you for having your own shop and being able to save.

I married my prom date and we are still together after 17 years.

You will find the girl that likes you for you, without trying to change you.

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The one thing I will say it this. My ex hated my toys/hobbies with a passion and even though I still had them, I always did whatever I could to make her/us happy. After the split I realized that I had changed myself and my habits so much that I told myself never again would I change myself for someone else and I havent. Where the problem lies is that fact that now Im not willing to change anything for anyone else which is also a problem within itself. Just dont let yourself become the asshole. As Im sure you know everyone on here knows me as the asshole of the board and the ones that know me personally, think I am even a bigger asshole. You have to find a happy medium with yourself and your significant other.

Edited by flounder
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As Im sure you know everyone on here knows me as the asswhole, cock sucking, man fisting, knob polisher of the board and the ones that know me personally, think I am even a bigger asswhole, cock sucking, man fisting, knob polisher. You have to find a happy medium with yourself and your significant other.

Fixed that for ya there flatfish.

No need to thank me.


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The one thing I will say it this. My ex hated my toys/hobbies with a passion and even though I still had them, I always did whatever I could to make her/us happy. After the split I realized that I had changed myself and my habits so much that I told myself never again would I change myself for someone else and I havent. Where the problem lies is that fact that now Im not willing to change anything for anyone else which is also a problem within itself. Just dont let yourself become the asswhole. As Im sure you know everyone on here knows me as the asswhole of the board and the ones that know me personally, think I am even a bigger asswhole. You have to find a happy medium with yourself and your significant other.

Flounder since you seem determined to dog yourself.. do it right. You're an asshole not asswhole. :D

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  • 5 months later...
cheaters deserve nothing but spiteful, sarcastic, condescending behavior

We have a winner

BTW.... If you can keep your heart from being involved & fallin' for her again.... Sounds like you could probably keep bangin' your ex while you're out lookin' for the real Mrs. Right. I'd degrade her in all kinds of ways too.... Fuck her & treat her like the dirty whore she is.... Just don't fall into her trap again. Keep your dick in it, and your heart out of it!! She doesn't like what you got on the menu for her, then she can get the fuck out!! No rings, jewerly, cars or $$ of any kind.... No help with bills, finances, etc.... Just put out or get out! It's your terms now!

I think it's impossible for MOST people to bang the ex without falling back into the trap..how are you supposed to move on? Bad idea......getting a rebound is the quickest way to stick it to the bitch. And yeah..... $25,000 for an engagement ring. REALLY? Almost a year of your savings for that?What was the wedding going to cost? :eek:

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