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Damn roommates...


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So do I but on the other hand you can still get away without leaving evidence behind in a roommate situation, i.e. toothbrush dipped into the toilet.

Although sometimes it's more fun to leave evidence behind because it lets them know that you meant what you did and you don't care.

I threw away a whole box of my old roomate's crap once because she didn't want to help me clean our apartment and I wanted my security deposit back. She called the cops on me but I had already tossed the box into a dumpster down the alley from our building so there was nothing she could prove.

Judge Mathis and Judge Joe Brown would be all over your ass on this one. LOL

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So do I but on the other hand you can still get away without leaving evidence behind in a roommate situation, i.e. toothbrush dipped into the toilet.

Although sometimes it's more fun to leave evidence behind because it lets them know that you meant what you did and you don't care.

I threw away a whole box of my old roomate's crap once because she didn't want to help me clean our apartment and I wanted my security deposit back. She called the cops on me but I had already tossed the box into a dumpster down the alley from our building so there was nothing she could prove.

:D i feel like i've learned something.... break their spirit AND throw away their stuff.

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I've considered the baby powder in the hairdryer prank.


Or my fav, replacing oil pan drain plug with a candle(this one is courtesy of magley;) )

Dude thats cruel, funny but cruel.

Note to self: Do not cohabitate with ORN members.

Good point.

dude that ruff. looks like she ran in to the wall. thats a face that should stop a cock


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if she has any condoms in her night stand... poke holes in them?

lol jk thats too messed up

not at all! this is one of the best ideas thrown out.

I think a baby powder in her hair dryer, shit on her toothbrush, and poke holes in her condoms combo would be PERFECT!


I wouldn't feel bad in the least. Just b/c you're drunk is not an excuse to be a complete cunt to a group of innocents that never did any harm to you!

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it doesn't take it all out, just starts it thinning....if you really want to be nasty, there are two options:

1) If they use conditioner, put the Nair in there.

2) Get them completely plastered till they pass out, then put Nair in their hair in patches, on their legs in patches(remember if it is left on the skin too long, it can actually harm the skin, so be ready to rinse it off...after it is done "working"), then put the bottle in their hand....when they wake up, they will believe their "drunk self" decided to do a makeover!


There are many others I learned in the Army, but they may not be truly appropriate to this situation.

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