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Why Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world


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imaginary rep for you, sir!

In theory, i support the idea of mandatory military service. I generally detest the idea of the government requiring such things, but I know at least 2 people (on is my cousin) who are complete morons. Their only redeeming qualities are a direct result of their military training.

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"Government mandates all citizens to take military training."

"Government mandates all citizens have firearms in their homes."

"Government supplies ammunition and weapons."

I don't see the parallels between these statements and the man's claim of liberty and freedom. Maybe I should watch it again' date=' but I'll prolly come to the same conclusion.[/quote']

kinda thought the same thing...... government in every aspect of life?

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not just more guns, but actual military training. i've long thought that the Israeli IDF and its mandatory service was a great idea. Just think how much better this country would be if everyone had to go through basic training and learn a trade...

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I disagree with mandatory military service... I don't want someone that doesn't wanna be there watching my back...or the backs of those serving now... it didn't work in Vietnam, it won't work now...

Apparently the Israeli's love the idea. I don't think it's truly been tested. I wouldn't want someone who really didn't want to be there watching my back either.

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I think the difference with smaller european countries and places like Israel is... they don't have a large enough of a population to provide an effective military (to ensure their sovereignty) without requiring a mandatory service. I also think as a result of the mandatory service you get people that have a greater appreciation for their country. I knew a Norwegian and an Israeli that both liked the idea of a mandatory service and enjoyed serving their country.

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not just more guns, but actual military training. i've long thought that the Israeli IDF and its mandatory service was a great idea. Just think how much better this country would be if everyone had to go through basic training and learn a trade...

Shall I implant your career chip?


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  • 2 weeks later...
That' date=' and the fact that the Swiss don't have someone hellbent on exterminating them from the planet like the Israeli's do. I'm sure there are a lot of Israeli's that wish they didn't have to fight, but I don't know if you'll find one that simply refuses to fight. Maybe so.. :dunno:[/quote']

The Orthodox refuse, and are granted exception to military service in Israel (it's been discussed they will have to do some sort of government service in it's place)...

That being said, I'd be happy to serve in the IDF, and I didn't meet one military soldier or officer that said they wish they didn't have to... in fact, most re-up or go into reserves.

Around Tel-Aviv, far from the war in Gaza you could hear the gun shots from the training areas, I met 2 soldiers in fatigues. Neither spoke english, but he asked me if we had a "madricha" nearby (leader), I saw our tour guide and called him over, he explained (in hebrew) we were on the Birthright trip and we had just been around Jerusalem and were on our way to the desert. The soldier looked at me and started talking in hebrew, I could only understand a few words here and there but I did make out "gaza" and some other words. I thanked him profusely for his service and taking the time to talk to me. He looked at me strange for thanking him, not because of the language, because I said it in hebrew.

The 2 soldiers left and our leader explained what he had said. Apparantly the soldiers had just finished their training and were just finishing up their lunch before deployment. The 2 soldiers (no older than 19) were being deployed for the war.... the 2 kids spent their last lunch break before going to war talking to me, (and offering to take me on an armed tour of Gaza.... I would have accepted that in a SECOND but obviously our security wouldn't allow it)

That was the first time I cried in Israel (this was before the wall, the holocaust memorial, the immigration camps, the temples, the ruins... everything)...

It was the first time I had thanked an Israeli for everything they'd done and was looked at so strange... noone thanks them for their service because they do it for themselves and their country... it's thankless and they're 100% ok with that....

anyway, I've never felt safer than I did in Israel.

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