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are final exam grades on registrar actually final?


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of course the professor emails me friday night when campus offices are closed for the weekend.

Dear Nathan, I regret to inform you that your grade in Spanish 102.66 for Au09 will be reduced due to a grade miscalculation. In the course of reviewing grades it was discovered that attendance had not been taken into account when calculating your final grade for the course.

i responded:

I understand the attendance policy but I am certain that once a grade is inputed into the registrar it's final. That would be similar to me turning in an exam and then going back and changing my answers after I turned it in when I realized I had made a mistake, yes? If I can't do that during the quarter, then you can't do that now.

yes the syllabus clearly states that absences will result in a reduction of the grade, however there is nothing in the syllabus that says they can change grades AFTER they are posted. I understand if it was still on our carmen/blackboard system but these have been posted with the registrar for a week and a half.

i emailed our student advocacy center on what they know on this subject, but of course since i got the email late tonight i won't expect a response til monday morning.

anyone have any idea on this one?

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I've never dealt with this situation, but I would also email the department head regarding the poor judgement on the professor's part. I had a few friends who would escalate issues to dept. heads and they would appease the student just to resolve the conflict (usually grading discrepancies). I would just make sure you're not taking any more classes with that professor and if its a professor within your major... be careful about burning bridges because profs talk to eachother.

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i always thought the concept of attendance requirements and grade factoring at a university that YOU are paying for with a professor that YOU were paying was stupid.

the whole reason i couldnt bring myself to go to school....... i could never get past spending money on something i hated so much when i got it for free in high school.

hope it all works out for ya nate.

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It varies... To go back and admit making a mistake, and edit final grades that were already turned in.... that's not a career enhancing item for a teacher. I wouldn't do it unless I had to. In most schools I'd say the teacher can't change any final grade turned in, without the signature of the department ChairPerson. Not a good day.

Yes, requesting your grade be changed usually works. Schools bend over backwards anymore to keep students happy.

I've had some of my personal grades changed when I found mistakes in grading or calculating of the grades. You never know...

edit: oh, and the tone of the email is ok. Kinda humorous actually. Hope the instructor has a sense of humor. I've been reading some of the emails from a co-workers online classes taught, it's incredible what some students get on about... crazy...

Edited by ReconRat
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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, professors are just pissed off.... they can't stand to think students can pass their course without even needing to listen to them.

Talk about a false sense of entitlement, teachers are amazing resources and are doing a very selfless job, but they are of the MOST ego-maniacal people in this country.

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lol, professors are just pissed off.... they can't stand to think students can pass their course without even needing to listen to them.

Talk about a false sense of entitlement, teachers are amazing resources and are doing a very selfless job, but they are of the MOST ego-maniacal people in this country.

Some are. I know other professors who are really great people and they can teach you a lot. Their ego doesn't get in the way and they work their asses off usually because they don't have tenure. Those are the profs doing the research after classes and before or after school and really are the best profs to have.

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