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FBI Reports Huge Decrease In Murders


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Could it be that after 200,000 years (or 6000 depending on your beliefs) Modern Humans have seen the folly of their ways and collectively decided “maybe we can all get along”?

2009 could have been a milestone on the journey to finally knowing world peace.

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While the analysis does not "prove" more guns = less murder it does disprove the hypothesis that more guns = more violent crimes.

It's hard to argue with statistical analysis but they'll find a way to twist this around. Hopefully the people thinking logically and without bias outweigh the others.

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^ BWahahaha, oh were you serious? you need to go buy more guns.

Hi. My name is Jeremy.

I resort to sarcasm/irony/cynicism to express my thoughts; else I come off as even more of a jackass.

While I see no statistical significance to the extrapolation, I also recognize that human beings do not, have not, and never will coincide completely peacefully. There will always be someone willing to take what someone else has by whatever violent means available.

…And there will always be those that are willing to defend.

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Just a quick aside. 2009 saw close to 21% jump in Firearm related fatalities for Law Enforcement officers. More guns=more dead police. Win? Is that how the logic works?

Guess that would all depend on how one felt about police.

Is the increase in police fatalities really tied to more guns being sold?

Or is it more criminal activity? Things have gotten deperate for many in the last year.

Yes, there were many more firearms sold this year...Many by first-timers wanting to be able to defend themselves, Many by enthusiasts fearing a ban by the new administration, and many hoping to make a profit after the anticipated ban. People do not automatically become maniacal criminals by purchasing a tool.

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eh....If all guns could be removed from society and I mean all guns, no criminals having guns, NO ONE..Sure no firearm related fatalities would exhist. Then there would be fatalities by knife, crossbow, slingshot, rocks and beatings. I'd still want my weapons to target shoot, hunt et cetera. But since that's not possible...EVER....I'll enjoy, support and embrace the ownership of firearms and hope that there is better parenting in the future to prevent these kids from turnng into the wackos that cause all these problems. With or without guns.

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Guess that would all depend on how one felt about police.

Is the increase in police fatalities really tied to more guns being sold?

Or is it more criminal activity? Things have gotten deperate for many in the last year.

Yes, there were many more firearms sold this year...Many by first-timers wanting to be able to defend themselves, Many by enthusiasts fearing a ban by the new administration, and many hoping to make a profit after the anticipated ban. People do not automatically become maniacal criminals by purchasing a tool.

The number of police deaths has nothing to do with the increase in gun sales. Just like the drop in homicides has nothing to do with the increase in gun sales. Too many other variables to make that claim. Unless it's a disingeguous NRA publication seeking to prove a point.;)

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I'll enjoy, support and embrace the ownership of firearms and hope that there is better parenting in the future to prevent these kids from turnng into the wackos that cause all these problems. With or without guns.

I agree, but the hope for better parenting is a pipe dream. You've been to the wal-marts bubby. You've seen what kind of parenting is going on in society.

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Well the crime rate out here where I live is zero and on any given day you will hear gun fire and often full auto fire and every house out here has targets in their yards. Id like to think thats a huge contributor to the zero crime rate.

and on that note when everyone comming out for the next shoot ?

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Well the crime rate out here where I live is zero and on any given day you will hear gun fire and often full auto fire and every house out here has targets in their yards. Id like to think thats a huge contributor to the zero crime rate.

and on that note when everyone comming out for the next shoot ?

Incest is a crime, isn't it?:p

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