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This this good form?


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... He's more than blown the apex, and has yet to orient the bike for the exit. That was poser if I have ever seen it.

I don't think you can really say that unless you were there top see what else is going on outside the frame of the pic. Shit in the road? Car coming?

Just passed a car? Showing off for the photog?

I'd stay off of that "apex" at the Gap - good way to get killed.

Any form where you don't crash and are fluid through the turn is "good form". Might not be the absolute fastest though. Or it might be.

Edited by Earache
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it almost looks like he needs to invest in rearsets or needs to hang his upper body out more cause his toes are dragging pretty hard through the turn...

or he just needs to tuck his feet in. I dunno, i'm a bitch rider, so i make guesses.

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the best advice i've been given is to stay low and rotate around the tank, and i try to lead with my shoulder. this helps me get my upper body involved more since that seems to be more difficult for me. getting a knee down is a lot of fun and a sort of milestone for most riders, but the more you ride it becomes an indicator more than anything.

dude looks like he's reaching a bit, but that may be what works for him. he's on the edge of his tires, but if he had, what i would consider, better form he would be much more compact.

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Jesus Matt, if you're going to post a picture of me at the strip, the least you could do is put me on the fast bike. Ya know, the one that doesn't turn.

:lol: @ RVT. She wanted to ride the SV because shouldn't couldn't stomach the RC. It's uglier than the busa. :p

And thanks for reminding me I fail @ gear Fonz. :D

Edited by JRMMiii
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Jealousy is a stinky cologne' date=' Fonz. :D[/quote']

What's to be jealous of? I freely admit I'm not the best rider & still have chicken strips... But even I can hang my fat a$$ off my seat to the point of falling off my bike :dunno:

That's completely different than proper technique & actually having the bike leaned over that far, which I have yet to do

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There's no "perfect" or totally "right" body position. You cannot teach someone that one way is better than another. Hell, it took me years to drag a knee. Even now, I do it minimally. The way I lean off a bike is considered traditional and almost textbook if there was such a thing, but there are others like Reuben who used to look like his head was sideways hanging off the bike...

Here's three examples of some pretty fast dudes and note the differences...




Point is this:

1) You need to ride to a degree that is comfortable for YOU. Trying to drag your knee for a pic is resulting in only going slower. You having to think about dragging your knee or where your arm is, your butt, your knee, etc is taking away from what matters - getting through the corner...

2) The key elements are that you need to hang off. That split up your butt has two uses. One to act as a guideline for where the edge of your seat needs to be. Two, well... I can't say here...

3) Elbows need to be relaxed. We are ALWAYS finding guys WAY too intense and holding on too tight. Loose is good. Relaxed is what you want. If it feels unnatural, it looks even worse... Being relaxed and comfortable will result in you learning what works best for you.

Some guys ride the front. Some guys are point and shoot. Some guys are slide in, square off and hammer out. Some guys are traditional in and out and smooth. Some guys are elbow draggers. Some guys are knees close to the fairing and will drag at severe angles. Some guys are short. Some guys are taller than normal.

It is so diverse and so extensive that there can in no way be a perfect position to suit everyone. The arms, elbows and ass are key. Where your head is as shown above can be different than the next guy's. See what I mean?

Do what makes you feel comfortable and work from there. We can help you get better, but if you are tense and trying too hard, it won't come for a long time as you'll be fighting it all the way...

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Thanks for chiming in Brian! Have you thought about (or maybe you already do) letting folks post their picture and you just give a couple tips you see that may help? I realize there's a lot that goes into it, but I imagine someone like you could say "you may want to tighten up your right leg" ... plus it builds a relationship so they'll come to your track day :)

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I don't see anything too egregious in his form. In fact, late apexing the dragon is usually a pretty good idea.


and he's got spartan leathers on! clap.gif

Yup. And let's not compare it to a race track corner - not the same at all.

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Yup. And let's not compare it to a race track corner - not the same at all.

That's something that is really important for dragon virgins to understand. Staying on the outside of the turn and waiting to lay it in until you can see through is key. Too many asshats out there blowing the double yellow.

Ironically, this pic was just 2 down from the R1 guy:


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Wanna see some shitty form that the guy made "work" for him?

Here ya go...



He's got his butt way off the seat, must be just trying to get his knee down to show off..


Head is nowhere near the "mirror" area that some think it has to be in. He must be slow.

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