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Every gun owner should watch this video!


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Let them try to ban guns here in the US. It will not work. Our citizens will not go quietly should this happen. There also will not be too many people that will turn in a firearm while they still have live ammo at hand. We will not go by way of Britian, Canada or Australia. If this happens, our government will be overturned by the people.

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"This won't happen here"... take a look at the Katrina firearms seizures.

Also look at Zimbardo's prisoner/guard experiments... it's amazing what a subversive role will do to people, and what a little power does to people.

Oh it may be tried, but mark my words, it will not succeed.

This was on that site https://www.frontsight.com/free-gun.asp

Too good to be true?

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likwid....New Orleans needed to be done. All they did was collect firearms out of abandon houses, preventing them from ending up in the gangs hands.

I have a cousin that had to live thru the gangs and checkpoints. He said the government was too soft on what was going on there.

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yes that is a scam... same concept as timeshare presentations... except this dude actually requires you to buy something.

I'll mark your words... but hopefully I never have to.

Molan Labe

I hope you don't have to either. But this idea is not that unrealistic to think it could be tried.

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The rebel flag is a symbol of a losing side of a conflict. In my opinion it shouldn't have much of a since of pride associated with it.

When the Spartans used the phrase they were ultimately annihilated. To me they both have the same sentiment with the same result. LOSER!

I understand wanting to flip off the powers that be but I really don’t see aligning myself with losing endeavors. Both symbols have no power behind them for me.

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let them try to ban guns here in the us. It will not work. Our citizens will not go quietly should this happen. There also will not be too many people that will turn in a firearm while they still have live ammo at hand. We will not go by way of britian, canada or australia. if this happens, our government will be overturned by the people.

:D +1

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The rebel flag is a symbol of a losing side of a conflict. In my opinion it shouldn't have much of a since of pride associated with it.

When the Spartans used the phrase they were ultimately annihilated. To me they both have the same sentiment with the same result. LOSER!

I understand wanting to flip off the powers that be but I really don’t see aligning myself with losing endeavors. Both symbols have no power behind them for me.

The rebel flag I won't really defend, but Molan Labe is a powerful statement. Regardless of their ultimate success or failure, it was their way of saying "we will not rollover for you".

When the Cleveland police say "Noone can own a gun in Cleveland" are you going to go turn your guns in to the police department or are you going to say "Come and get them"?

Just an example, but you get what I'm saying.

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Understandable' date=' but I see it differently. I don't believe the Spartans were defeated. Well, they all died, but they didn't surrender to a tyrant. That's the reason behind the cult following of the saying.[/quote']

I don't know about tyrant. It was a war like any other of the times and they were beaten. Brave and tough culture, but I'm not sure living in or being a citizen in Sparta would really be anything to be proud of. Unless you follow the glamorized Hollywood view of it all I guess.

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from what i understand, the spartans at thermopylae were tasked with buying time for the greek army to assemble. they were able to hold up the persian army and the greeks eventually defeated the persians. if that is correct then i believe that would be considered a victory

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When the Spartans used the phrase they were ultimately annihilated. To me they both have the same sentiment with the same result. LOSER!

The Spartans at Thermopylae were all killed yes, but they succeeded in their goal, which was to inspire the rest of Greece to put aside their political differences and to stand together and fight, as well as to stall the Persian army while the major Greek powers rallied, and built up the defenses.

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