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de Fuhrer is not happy about the Ipad.


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Didn't that used to be a VW or BMW commercial or somethin' IIRC??

It is from the movie Downfall. That clip has been used that way to spoof many many things, it has become a cult thing. So I suspect the car commercial you saw was also one of those spoofs.

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^ to some people, yes.

others think it will be great to have something more portable than a netbook, with fewer functions.

the photographer that shot my wedding can't wait to pay too much for one. He's thinking he can use it to showcase his photography, keep his kids busy in the car (movies/games), and still be able to use it for email.

if all you want is portability and low processing power, it's not a 'bad' product, I just think you can get a laptop for teh same price, or less, that does everything but use AT&T's mobile network...

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I'm not sure how it's much more portable than a netbook. A netbook is pretty damn small and weighs about 2.5lbs. Saying fewer features is an understatement to say the least and netbooks cost the same or less as the entry level iPad. Archos makes a much better Android based product. I'm just waiting for them to make a larger one.

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I love the comment about it saying it's a slim and sleek new pad, but can a woman swim with it?
Is there a version with wings?


Seriously though the ipad is a joke and a total waste of development $'s by apple. Now if they make another with more computer like features it's sold! But even me having an iPhone, I don't see the difference... Other than having a larger screen. Though I haven't really looked into it that much, so someone please prove me wrong.

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