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Property taxes, I could choke a bitch!

Uncle Punk

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Profiling!? Who's profiling? You think I meant the three black kids?

It looks like that kid in the center back row with the glasses and the two girls bookending the third row from the top may all have social or developmental issues that are probably in need of social services to help them live a fulfilling adult lives.

You racists.

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I was anticipating my taxes going down this half because of the reassessments valuing the properties down. I live across the street from the county auditor and he really got the values wrong. He is claiming our values have only fallen 7% but he could double that number and still be wrong. I have lived here fourteen years and haven't spoken to this stupid fucking democrat but it might be about time. It still wouldn't matter if he had gotten the values correct they would just charge us more because they can't do with less money like the rest of us who have been hit by this economic downturn.

are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with the schools? it seems like they are all bitching about needing more and more and more and more and more money every year.:rolleyes:

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The schools are getting the same money as they always have it doesn't matter what property values are, just charge the homeowners more. Fucking thieves I tell you.

The little Indian girl (feather) second from the last in the second row was my girlfriend in 6th grade. The first black kid in the third row had a twin sister that was hot in 9th grade. I can still remember about eight or nine of the kid’s names. Some I know are dead and the smiley kid was retarded.

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Profiling!? Who's profiling? You think I meant the three black kids?

It looks like that kid in the center back row with the glasses and the two girls bookending the third row from the top may all have social or developmental issues that are probably in need of social services to help them live a fulfilling adult lives.

You racists.

Nope, I didn't think anything of color, I was just wanting to see what you reaction would be! :D

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It looks like that kid in the center back row with the glasses and the two girls bookending the third row from the top may all have social or developmental issues that are probably in need of social services to help them live a fulfilling adult lives.

My first thought was Merv the Perv. I was going to see if anyone could figure out who I was talking about.

The little Indian girl (feather) second from the last in the second row was my girlfriend in 6th grade. The first black kid in the third row had a twin sister that was hot in 9th grade. I can still remember about eight or nine of the kid’s names. Some I know are dead and the smiley kid was retarded.

I could totally picture you in some interracial porn.

Edited by InyaAzz
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The schools are getting the same money as they always have it doesn't matter what property values are, just charge the homeowners more. Fucking thieves I tell you.

The little Indian girl (feather) second from the last in the second row was my girlfriend in 6th grade. The first black kid in the third row had a twin sister that was hot in 9th grade. I can still remember about eight or nine of the kid’s names. Some I know are dead and the smiley kid was retarded.

I did the same exact thing in my pic maybe it was first or second I don't recall.:D

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