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Nikola Tesla and the free wireless electricity for everyone


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i think its very important to remember tesla, since the military built "H.A.A.R.P." they are using tesla's idea. but in the wrong hands it can could get very ugly. google HAARP and read about it. they can use it for stange things like seting off earth quakes , mind contolling hundreds of thousands of people, seting off volcanos, even setting up a missle sheild, knocking unwanted satelites out of orbit, this thing is insane! they pulse energy any where they want and it can have a huge impact on the earth and the living things that inhabit it. oh yeah it also can make, direct, and induce huricains and tornatos, dont take my word for it. its in popular science and many other publications. this is built and in use as i write this.

Hugo Chavez agrees with you! and blames the US for the earthquake. funny you talk about this weapon cuz i was just reading up on it myself after i heard about old Hugh hating again.

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Misc. factoid... most everything converts ac to dc to run, but many motors do not, nor do many heating elements, etc. They work better with AC than DC. And motors in particular are very hard to measure the usage of the voltage, and charge for the usage of. They use up the amperage instead.

Reality forgotten or ignored:

HAARP was/is an experimental/operational device for broadcasting communications at very low frequencies. Way more interesting is other experimental work based on experiments by the Soviets with harmonic frequencies in Telsa field generation. They were trying to alter the growth of crops. Or perhaps alter the weather. It went terribly wrong, nobody hurt, but the results were dramatic, and the countries of the world that were effected, told them not to do that again. It was dramatically obvious who and where it happened, since there was a world wide effect on the electro-magnetic spectrum. I doubt the experiments ended there.

There are newer advances in harmonic frequency generation, but information is very scarce, and for now it's still all in "black ops", the military and DARPA research. And not just in the USA. There's a hint of what goes on, but the premise is that frequency harmonics is an entire new field of research and applications, that we just didn't know about before. What it will bring in the future is largely unknown.

Now you know...

Edited by ReconRat
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I know the original topic was for external power transmission, but

An older article, from 2007, about wireless indoor power:


Then there is current technology, such as a product called Powermat. THe powermat website is was slow, but slick idea. Not sure it will catch on.


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  Casper said:
The original electricity would have to be created (Tesla's idea was hydroelectric, which as part of his experiment, he designed and helped build the hydroelectric power station at Niagara falls which is still in operation). Governments would build wind and hydroelectric power stations, thus creating cheap renewable electricity. Then, his Tesla coil would amplify the voltage. Thus, we'd have very cheap, readily available electricity for everyone. No burning oil, gas, coal, etc for power.



There's a big monument to him up at the Falls when we were there last June

  vw151 said:
yep, although Tesla didn't manage to bring us wireless electricity, he did win the current war with alternating current. The 60hz electricity we all use in our homes today is a direct result of his technology. Very cool stuff.

Not that direct current isn't used in tons of stuff today, it's just not the main infrastructure for reasons not so much of preference but just because AC has a lot of advantages over DC at least from a large infrastructure standpoint.

Hence where the bad blood between Edison & his former padawan began ;)

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