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Second Amendment Marches. Columbus & D.C.


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It’s Time Our Voices Are Heard!

The Mission of the Second Amendment March is:

To galvanize the courage and resolve of American gun owners

To petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation

To remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense

We will accomplish our mission by a peaceful march in Washington DC, the United States Capitol, supported by satellite marches to State Capitols and smaller cities all across America, including Ohio.

Join us in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, April 10, 2010 at the Ohio Statehouse as we send a message loud and clear that our rights are not up for negotiation and we, as Ohioans and Americans, cherish them dearly.

When: Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 11:00am

Where: Columbus Statehouse

Leading up to the Ohio March will be a series of Town Hall Meetings to drum up support and raise funds for the National March. If you would like to attend or help, please subscribe to the e-newsletter for the Ohio Second Amendment March. Together, we can make both events a big success!

We will also be working on getting an Ohio contingent to the National March. The March in D.C. will take place on Monday, April 19, 2010 on the grounds of the Washington Monument.

Anyone going to go? I should be there.

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