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No brakes while constantly accelerating, and now you can't steer?


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toyota really needs to just chock it up as a good run and go ahead and shut down.... theyre just fucking up more and more

:wtf: They are the highest selling manufacturer in the US and probably the world. Not gonna happen. These hiccups will barely put a chink in their armor. Toyota isnt going anywhere.

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:wtf: They are the highest selling manufacturer in the US and probably the world. Not gonna happen. These hiccups will barely put a chink in their armor. Toyota isnt going anywhere.

youre just a fanboy.... ill be interested to see how bad this gets for them.... i think a "chink" (lol i hope there was no pun intended, sir) is a little bit of an understatement....i think theyre going to be hurting badly from this...obviously not enough to close down, my above statement was an exaggeration, but i doubt they will remain #1 after this all pans out

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youre just a fanboy.... ill be interested to see how bad this gets for them.... i think a "chink" (lol i hope there was no pun intended, sir) is a little bit of an understatement....i think theyre going to be hurting badly from this...obviously not enough to close down, my above statement was an exaggeration, but i doubt they will remain #1 after this all pans out

Cool, that'll just make them cheaper, they were getting fucking ridiculous. and yeah, I meant the pun but was gonna let Jbot point it out. :D

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Funny the attention to these recalls. Nobody even remotely seems to remember any of the US recalls.

Like my truck for example... Cruise control and brake recalls. Both can lead to fire that can burn the truck to the ground. Gee, that sounds WAY better than a stuck pedal...

Everyone's got them under a microscope due to the years of failures the US makers have created.

Toyota ain't going anywhere and considering the #2 guy was Chevy, do you honestly think this is going to knock Toyota down to #2? Riiiiight...

The governement is now into the auto industry and they are going to watch everything and everyone. Chevy caused all this BS with the government now a car company...

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:wtf: They are the highest selling manufacturer in the US and probably the world. Not gonna happen. These hiccups will barely put a chink in their armor. Toyota isnt going anywhere.

I have to agree, Toyota isn't gonna go anywhere. They may have a slight decline in sales for a bit, but that will just be a small hiccup.

Funny the attention to these recalls. Nobody even remotely seems to remember any of the US recalls.

Like my truck for example... Cruise control and brake recalls. Both can lead to fire that can burn the truck to the ground. Gee, that sounds WAY better than a stuck pedal...

Everyone's got them under a microscope due to the years of failures the US makers have created.


What truck, when was this?

Everyone remembers the Firestone tire blow outs and the Pinto fuel tanks so not everything gets forgotten. :D

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A bunch of guys who ride moorsickles bitching about the dangers of a Toyota car.

That's almost funny. :rolleyes:

I bitch because a thirty-something thousand dollar car is now worthless until Toyota figures out what the fuck is going on. We wanted to trade it in, but only GM is accepting them (and me no drivey GM).

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I bitch because a thirty-something thousand dollar car is now worthless until Toyota figures out what the fuck is going on. We wanted to trade it in, but only GM is accepting them (and me no drivey GM).

You should be fine since your wife is plenty smart and knows how to apply the brakes and kick it into neutral if it mysteriously goes WOT, which it wont, but if you want to sell it, I'll give you 5k for it right now. :D

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