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Dude on Slashdot but it the best:

"I'm a software developer, and I know that most software has bugs, but how much trust can we put in the many lines of code found in our automobiles? I have a 2009 Camry that is involved in both of the recent Toyota recalls. As part of the floor-mat issue, they're offering to install a software update that would cause 'the brake pedal to take precedence over the gas pedal if both were pressed' or, as their latest notice states, 'would cut power to the engine if both pedals were pressed.' In the computer world, we're all taught to install firmware updates only if there is a real problem because a large percentage of firmware updates actually brick the hardware or cause other unforeseen consequences. On a base of 100 million lines of code, can I really trust a software update to work safely when it is delivered in a three-month development cycle? My driving habits don't cause the floor mat to slide much, so I see the update as overkill. What do you think? If it doesn't void the warranty, should I tell them to skip the update?"

Anyone else think crashed Toyota's are going to reanimate (or I guess just animate?) and become rolling mechanical zombies?

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Re-crash would be more like it. Drive past a junkyard, and a Toyota lurches out and tries to whack you. You have to shoot them in the computer.

Good luck. Unless it a pre 94, you cant find one in a junkyard. Anywhere.

I got excited when I found some 250k 4Runners in the yards during the Cash4Clunkers summer.

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think this assumes that the floor mats are the true root of this issue. (which I don't believe) I've had unsecured floor mats in many of my vehicles and have NEVER had a floor mat depress the accelerator.

If the mats are the real problem, wouldn't velcro be the quickest easiest solution?

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think this assumes that the floor mats are the true root of this issue. (which I don't believe) I've had unsecured floor mats in many of my vehicles and have NEVER had a floor mat depress the accelerator.

If the mats are the real problem, wouldn't velcro be the quickest easiest solution?

I had it happen in my Z-28. I just held the clutch and brake down and reached for the mat and pulled it back.

The floor mat was blamed for Jeep Cherokees doing that. My Jeep does it sometimes, revs up to about 1500-2000 rpm, usually on a hot start. I can put it in neutral (manual transmission), put the parking brake on, get out, look at the floor mat, and get back in. Still revving... I found that turning the cruise control off gets rid of most of that.

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think this assumes that the floor mats are the true root of this issue. (which I don't believe) I've had unsecured floor mats in many of my vehicles and have NEVER had a floor mat depress the accelerator.

If the mats are the real problem, wouldn't velcro be the quickest easiest solution?

The aftermarket floormat in my wife's car did this when I tried to move it to where it wasn't restricting the pedal from going WOT... I drove a mile or so and the pedal "stuck" under the mat. I turned the ignition switch off, reached down and pulled the mat back, put in neutral restarted, continued on my merry way.

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nows the time to buy a toyota!!!! seriously did anyone see that woman in the lexus testify?.....while shes goin 110 she calls her husband? gtfo.......and the guy who is sittin in jail for vehicular mansluaghter tells everybody his camry gas pedal stuck?......and some guy on abc news jumps the accellerator pedal and goes full throttle on camera and replicates the so called problem?.....shows a auto scanner pass code?.....i think the big three is using FREE money to pay these people to try and bring them down.....this is complete and utter bullshit.....every american vehicle ive ever owned shoulda been recalled......i love toyota

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shiiiiit, I ride 110 on the bike while eating a hamburger and talking on the phone.... I don't know why all these people are complaining.

In all seriousness, I don't get how people "lose control" going 80. Smashing into a car, a guardrail, etc absolutely... but "losing control"? Are these people that have never driven on the highway before?

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Toyota is still far behind the big three in recalls. I think it's a big deal to some because they never expected them to have problems of this magnitude. Welcome to GM's world, Toyota. Then there is the question of "how much did they know and when did they know it". I predict a full recovey.

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Toyota Matrix ... erm I mean Pontiac Vibe recalled lol

Apparantly Toyota was essentially building the Vibe for Pontiac

suprised everyone didnt know this if not by looks alone but if you pop the hoods the radiators say denso and the airbox in both says toyota.

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Think back to college, can you think of a school project you were on with an asian and they DIDN'T do all the work? "joint venture" all you want, Toyota did all the work I'm sure :) LOL

GM put up some money, I'm sure. They probably did some of the body work on the Vibe side, just to make it look GM-ish.

So GM puts up some money that they don't have, for Toyota to build the cars....

Also, look at the Geo/Chevy Prism. Toyota Corolla through and through.

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I had it happen in my Z-28. I just held the clutch and brake down and reached for the mat and pulled it back.

manuals FTW!

i think the big three is using FREE money to pay these people to try and bring them down.....this is complete and utter bullshit.....every american vehicle ive ever owned shoulda been recalled......i love toyota

i've wondered about this too. the timing and "big deal" factor couldn't be more spot on to help ensure obama's bailout of american automakers is effective.

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Am I the only one that thinks that there's no way in the physical universe we occupy, that a Toyota has 100 million lines of code running it's combined systems?

I was on a team that made the brains for the spectrum analyzers for new generation info collections systems in planes like the awacs - that system had 43 FPGAs and took up a space the size of half an entire hockey bag and that still probably only fit about 5-10 million lines of code.

I may very well be wrong, but that number just seems way too large to me...

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