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I need to find a way to get my posts moved over here from the main thread in a way that makes sense. I have a feeling more posts from there will be making there way over here especially now that Casper has decided it is a non jackable thread. This is a challenge that all of you ladies should be taking part in.


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Yes, you can. It's called the report button. It looks like: report.gif. You click it, tell us someone is threadjacking, and we (mods/admins) clean it up.

I'm not a whiney little bitch that goes crying to the mods, I'll police my own threads with varying levels of success though. Jacked threads bring about some of the most awesome threads so I'm just crying wolf. I do envy the power to move threads and posts around but fear if I had the power to do so it would quickly be abused. For example you couldn't call me stupid anymore.

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if you had said power, could i still call you stupid?


Don't make me think about such hard decisions.

We always cut the ladies some slack because you gals pretty up the place especially when you are dressed up in leather and carrying a whip.

In Casper’s case I would be moving his posts to new places so that he would have to go looking for them no matter where they were started, especially the ones where I was being referred to in a negative manor. This could only slow him down in his search for gay lovers.

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I'm not a whiney little bitch that goes crying to the mods, I'll police my own threads with varying levels of success though. Jacked threads bring about some of the most awesome threads so I'm just crying wolf. I do envy the power to move threads and posts around but fear if I had the power to do so it would quickly be abused. For example you couldn't call me stupid anymore.

Yes you are. That's exactly what you're doing now. :lol:

And this thread is awesome.

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