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5th Annual DTC Anniversary Ride to New River Gorge, June 12th


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So how wet was it??

Wet enough that you might have even liked it!

Ok. I'm glad I stayed home, then.


Yeah but he has a 250, people expect him to be a noob. He doesn't dissappoint :D

:nono: We all do something stupid once in a while. I was just starting to be able to tolerate you... :lol:

It was good meeting you Ben.

The list will be shorter if I tell you where we didn't hit rain.

It was dry most of the way back from Nelsontucky. I was getting worried when I got to the east side of Columbus, it started looking like it was gonna pour again, but it never did.

It was great meeting and riding with all of you. I think I was a newb to all of you except Cdub, and I don't think anyone felt out of place with the group.

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No one went down?
Not that I know of.

That's one of Fonzie's claims that they've only had one bike go down on his rides. I wasn't so sure about my bike in the rain, since I haven't put many mile son it in the rain, but it did excellent.

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Got home an hour ago. 480 on the odo. Pretty sure there was an additional 100 miles or so for all the times we had to turn around for the missed turns. :nono:

Got hit hard just north of Marysville. Strong winds, hail, monsoon rain, etc. Quit raining for about 15 miles and then all hell broke loose. Visibility was zero, had to slow it down to about 25. Fonz and Tyler had to stop in Arlington because of the same storm. Pending their arrival at home with a safe report, nobody went down. Well except for Ben, he went down on me a couple times. :lol:

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Got home an hour ago. 480 on the odo. Pretty sure there was an additional 100 miles or so for all the times we had to turn around for the missed turns. :nono:

Got hit hard just north of Marysville. Strong winds, hail, monsoon rain, etc. Quit raining for about 15 miles and then all hell broke loose. Visibility was zero, had to slow it down to about 25. Fonz and Tyler had to stop in Arlington because of the same storm. Pending their arrival at home with a safe report, nobody went down. Well except for Ben, he went down on me a couple times. :lol:

Don't forget your pants being down... the whole damn time. :D

All joking aside, this was a "fun" ride for the stories at least. My odo is just over 500 from today.

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Made it home around 9:30, so are we calling this...

1. Rainy River Ride

2. West Virginia Waterslide

3. Fonzie's Slab-tastic Voyage

15 and 1/2 hours from start to finish... not bad

and I'm the DTC member of the year! uhm...2 years ago

and that shit is a lot harder 2-up... usually I can move around and stand up, and stretch out... not so easy with the back-pack

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That was a blast. Only part that really sucked was the traffic in Nelsonville. Rain is good for you.

Yeah Nelsonville felt like a parade

Nelsonville SUCKS!!

It was 10x worse on the way home. About 1hr - 1.5hrs. It was freaking insane.


PS: That was an awesome DTC Ride to Shoney's in BFE, WV! Thanks Fonz! :lol:


Next time we can go back for the Ponderosa next door ;)

Thanks for the ride folks, was fun :D DTC got me wet

Sounds like a new tShirt to me.... DTC4LYFE-- Ride 'em hard, leave 'em wet!

Fonz is such a noob that he stalled his bike at a light.

Huhhh?? crackhead.gif

See if I ever buy you lunch again

The list will be shorter if I tell you where we didn't hit rain.


Hey, it's 11:00, when did that happen?

Right after 10:59 :p

Made it home around 9:30, so are we calling this...

1. Rainy River Ride

2. West Virginia Waterslide

3. Fonzie's Slab-tastic Voyage

I vote #2

and I'm the DTC member of the year! uhm...2 years ago
We'll hang your certificate, suitable for framing, in the clubhouse for you
... not so easy with the back-pack
"Backpack backpack"



Edited by Fonzie
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Tyler & I got NAILED between Kenton & Findlay. Dark country road, windshield wipers not working on my visor, couldn't see shit, so lift shield only to get hail blowin' right in my face, weird freaky sideways lightening that would fan out like a rake head right over/in front of us, etc :wtf:

Too dangerous... Had to duck under a bank drive thru & wait it out

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Made it home around 9:30, so are we calling this...

1. Rainy River Ride

2. West Virginia Waterslide

3. Fonzie's Slab-tastic Voyage

How about DTC style, and make it a super long name?

Fonzie's Slab-tastic West Vriginia Waterslide Rainy River Voyage


You had to be there to get it, and you weren't. :stfu::lol:

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