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Nailing Jello to a Tree

Victory ryder

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Guys, you don't get it do you????

Ask any woman who is interested in learning how to ride (At least those of you guys who can get a woman to even talk to you without a large application of pepperspray to your face)

Anyway, ask her what her understanding of what motorcycles really are. They'll tell you "They're dangerous-They're scary-They're loud Blah,blah,blah.

To us guys,it's an extention of our bodys,minds and souls. It's a guy thing. We've been around mechanical things all of our lives, they haven't.

They need to understand the basics and need to know their way around a bike. Most women crave to learn and most of them will jump in head over heels (No Pun) to learn. Have you ever been that excited to learn how to cook,knit,sew or do any other domestic chores or hobbies that women do? In general a motorcycle scares a woman like how a sewing machine works baffles most of you to no end.

Difference is they are willing to learn how ride and/or work on their own bikes.

I don't see any threads on here how you bunch of machos tore up the ol' Singer last night or bent your favorite #4 knitting needle two rows from finishing a project or broke your 3rd surger in the last month.

How many of you got a 3 day crash course in drivers training and got your drivers license and your first car???? Didn't happen, Did it???

It takes practice and patience from both partys.It's all about skills.

Is the MSF and BRC important??? YES it is!!!! Very much so.

I think it should be required every 4 years. I'd take it,gladly.

But you still need basic skills before you walk into a room full of strangers and spend the next 3 days with a frustrated insturctor who has the personality of a piece of burnt wheat toast trying to teach what?? 20-25 people how to ride who have no idea what the difference is between muffler bearings and muffler clamps??

Women need to understand whats being thrown at them. They think differently then us, but I still love 'em.....

I have known many women who have gone in cold and failed misrably and was very discouraged and most quit after the 2nd try (And Failure).

I love my wife and explained to her that when she took the test that she'd be ready.

She was, in fact she was top in the class of 25, she even beat me. I had been riding for 10 years at that time. I'll admit it,bad habits. But what I tought her wasn't riding, it was what she was riding.

I wouldn't let her take the test till she could tell me the name of every part of the bike I pointed at (in her own words), I explained to her that she didn't need to know what it did, just what it was. What it does can come later in time,and it did. She can now walk into a dealership for service by herself and knows shes not getting stroked by the service writer or mechanic.

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I wasnt refering to you. I was refering to him and his slam on women and rant on how men can fix shit and all. I'm willing to bet my wife will put him to shame in the garage with a toolbox and a car that wont start. As well he thru in his theroy on women and motorcycles and his ten years riding I'll put a paycheck on several women on here handing him his ass on a twisty road... my wife included and she just started riding last summer.

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I hope I'm not the only one who had this happen to them... ;)

Guys, you don't get it do you????

Ask any woman who is interested in learning how to ride (At least those of you guys who can get a woman to even talk to you without a large application of pepperspray to your face)

Blah.... blah.... blah... blah... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.... SWing'R sounds like a porn star name... I need to check my porn site.... I wonder if Fazerlady is hot....I have to work tomarrow...ah, trucks low on gas...got a lot to do next weekend...I hope this is about over so I can read the next post...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

She can now walk into a dealership for service by herself and knows shes not getting stroked by the service writer or mechanic.

Then again, I do have A-D-whatever that....Oooooh checkered flag! :flag:

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I give up..............

Trying to talk to most of you is like trying to nail jello to a tree.

You're barking up the wrong tree here, buddy, with your nonsensical rant about how ALL women are scared of motorcycles. Ohio Riders has a very robust population of female riders who also feel that their motorcycle is an extension of their selves. To sit there and draw broad conclusions like that is offensive.

As Fazerlady said, we have a healthy respect, not a irrational fear.

Gosh, now I'm annoyed :nono:....

Have you ever been that excited to learn how to cook,knit,sew or do any other domestic chores or hobbies that women do? In general a motorcycle scares a woman like how a sewing machine works baffles most of you to no end.

Wow, definitely the most sexist comment I have heard in a long time..... I bet your wife really loves cooking for you, cleaning the house, sewing and all the other 'women's work' and 'hobbies' that she does. :rolleyes:


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^ agree. My wife has never been 'afraid' of my bike... Maybe afraid of screwing up and upsetting me by dropping it, but that's just her giving a shit about how i feel. I appreciate that kind of 'fear.'

with a little more seat time, she'll be good to go.

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Have you ever been that excited to learn how to cook,

Yup! I love to cook! I get rave reviews for my salsa that will burn you all the way through, my chili that I have yet to perfect (people still compliment me on it) and cheesecake that rivals most any you can buy anywhere....

Many women aren't afraid of bikes, and many men aren't afraid of the kitchen. Make it out to one of Moose's meat nights at the KofC sometime and see.

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you need less cold water in your jello recipe, you can nail it to whatever you like if made properly.

there are good female riders, just as there are good male riders. Also there are good female mechanics, just as there are good male mechanics, generalizing doesn't solve anything... maybe you need to start talking to smarter women.

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Guys, you don't get it do you????

Have you ever been that excited to learn how to cook,knit,sew or do any other domestic chores or hobbies that women do? In general a motorcycle scares a woman like how a sewing machine works baffles most of you to no end.

if you know how a motorcycle works, but cant figure out a sewing machine... well, id wager you probably DONT know how a motorcycle works. a sewing machine is MUCH simpler than a motorcycle IMO.

i dont knit, but i could figure it out probably if i wanted to. i know how to sew also. i wouldnt say i love to do it. ive made a few things with a sewing machine before, but really its more of a matter of utility. i should know how to put a button on, or how to repair those pants i just blew the seam out in.

also, i love to cook.

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