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Top 10 Conservative scandals


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You're 100% full of shit, you thought it was JRM.

I'm sure you got most of the people with this one. Once again, I rarely START political threads (not saying I haven't ever), but if someone else starts them -- I'm more than happy to donate my $0.02 to the party. :D

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so what have we learned? BOTH political parties are fucked. there is hypocrisy on BOTH sides of the aisle.

the people who think the republicans are going to swoop in and save the country from obama are just as fucking dumb as the people who thought obama was going to swoop in and save the country from 8 years of bush. it does not matter who you vote for. you are fucked either way.

the ONLY interests political parties have is getting in power. they dont care about you or me, or any of the other average people in the country. if you have millions and millions of dollars, then they care. otherwise, fuck off.

both parties spend money hand over fist. the only difference is one raises taxes to pay for it now, and the other just puts it on credit.

Edited by John
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