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Lysergic acid diethylamide, abbreviated LSD or LSD-25, also known as lysergide and colloquially as acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the ergoline and tryptamine families. LSD is non-addictive, non-toxic, and is well known for its psychological effects which can include altered thinking processes, closed and open eye visuals, synaesthesia, a sense of time distortion, ego death and spiritual experiences, as well as for its key role in 1960s counterculture. It is used mainly by psychonauts as an entheogen and in psychedelic therapy.

WARNING:If you have an aversion to animal cruelty, don't watch this video. It is the effects of LSD on a cat.


Top Secret Military LSD testing.


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Its prolly because I live in the country and for some stupid reason everybody in the city seems to think it the best for a cat to drop it off in the country when they cant take care of em anymore. Then they breed like rabbits and are everywhere. Climbing all over our cars crapin in the kids sandbox ect..... Soooo for any cityslickerss reading this thinking about giving your cat a nice county home, I use them for target practice the the buzzards and coyotes eat them. Have a nice day. :)

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Its prolly because I live in the country and for some stupid reason everybody in the city seems to think it the best for a cat to drop it off in the country when they cant take care of em anymore. Then they breed like rabbits and are everywhere. Climbing all over our cars crapin in the kids sandbox ect..... Soooo for any cityslickerss reading this thinking about giving your cat a nice county home, I use them for target practice the the buzzards and coyotes eat them. Have a nice day. :)

Ahh, I do know what you are syaing, but I'm not so mean to use them as target practice. lol

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Its prolly because I live in the country and for some stupid reason everybody in the city seems to think it the best for a cat to drop it off in the country when they cant take care of em anymore. Then they breed like rabbits and are everywhere. Climbing all over our cars crapin in the kids sandbox ect..... Soooo for any cityslickerss reading this thinking about giving your cat a nice county home, I use them for target practice the the buzzards and coyotes eat them. Have a nice day. :)

true, but they are fun to shoot and its more humane than what the coyotes and other predators do to them to make them into a snack.

Ahh, I do know what you are syaing, but I'm not so mean to use them as target practice. lol

Its the best thing for them.

Its not mean I use large calibers, they dont feel a thing.

win! :D

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I'm all for any kind of experiments on cats. Hate those little bastages.
Its prolly because I live in the country and for some stupid reason everybody in the city seems to think it the best for a cat to drop it off in the country when they cant take care of em anymore. Then they breed like rabbits and are everywhere. Climbing all over our cars crapin in the kids sandbox ect..... Soooo for any cityslickerss reading this thinking about giving your cat a nice county home, I use them for target practice the the buzzards and coyotes eat them. Have a nice day. :)

I'd rep you from here to the moon if we still could.

Cats suck X-(

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