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corner throttle input help


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went for a ride today and noticed that i was letting off of the throttle mid turn to correct my line a little. but with that comes the characteristics of the motorcycle which makes it want to stand up a little. should i trail brake more to scrub off a little speed and keep my throttle input steady? open for suggestion.


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first of NEVER NEVER NEVER use brakes in a corner unless you absoluty have to unless you want to pick you and your bike up off the ground.(im not saying it cant be done but its not safe at all)

alot has to due with body position, experience, and how comfortable you are with speed. I tend to accelerate all the way through the corners. A good trick to start with is look all the way through the turn about 30-40 yards ahead of you. If you are only looking 10-15 yards ahead you tend to have a bad line through the corner and have to correct your line.

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Stay on the gas and lean harder.

yeap. ideally you should always be rolling on through the turn at least slightly. On the street, you should always have more room to lean harder as well to tighten the turn when needed.

More than likely, you are leaning into the turn too early. Try to move your apexes a little later.

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Something else is going on that you aren't stating because just letting off of the throttle shouldn't be standing you up if you are using a neutral throttle to start with. You should feel like you a falling into a hole to the inside not standing it up.

You should try to make it to a track day because even though you might get some useful information from folks in here you won’t know how to apply it for yourself by just reading it here. Don’t get me wrong there are some very good and fast riders here who haven’t done a track day but the most efficient and cheapest way is to learn from people at the track. If you want to learn how to ride fast a track day is cheap compared to paying for a deductable from trying the wrong information.

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There are numerous threads here about tire pressure and the reason for the suggested pressures. You are way high on the pressure you are using by most sport bike tire standards. The manufacture recommended pressure is for load carrying not sport riding.

I got nothing for you though concerning the Shinkos.

The standing up of the bike by removing throttle is not a tire pressure issue. Changing your tire pressure will improve the handling though. Like I stated earlier there is more happening here if standing up is the result you are getting.

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