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Ricky Martin's gay?!.... Since when has he NOT been?!


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Anyone here that the latino fruit RIcky Martin just came out as being gay?!

I'll be the first one here (and also probably the only latino myself) to say....

HE WASN'T EVER FOOLING ANYONE! We knew all along....


At least now people won't give him as much shit if he decides he wants to start riding a HD! :D

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Who's Ricky Martin? :confused:

Crappy pop star (redundant phrase) from a few years back. Just a bit more gay than Liberace, but apparently only decided to come out after his career was over and a little-anticipated tell-all was about to hit the shelves. :rolleyes:

In other news, water is wet, Harleys are slow, and a person wearing an Ed Hardy shirt is likely to be a douchebag.

EDIT: :lol: I got sidetracked for a few minutes typing this post and the question got answered.

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Crappy pop star (redundant phrase) from a few years back. Just a bit more gay than Liberace, but apparently only decided to come out after his career was over and a little-anticipated tell-all was about to hit the shelves. :rolleyes:

In other news, water is wet, Harleys are slow, and a person wearing an Ed Hardy shirt is likely to be a douchebag.

EDIT: :lol: I got sidetracked for a few minutes typing this post and the question got answered.

I also got you covered on the Harleys being slow thing, not to mention ghey. I did, however, overlook the probability that an Ed Hardy T-Shirt signifies one's douchbaginess, and totally neglected to mention that water is wet.

Good lookin' out on that shit! :)

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Some silly faggot. Oh wait, thats been said.

Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks...

Really, who cares? This is about as newsworthy as when Rosie O'Fathead, Smellin' DeGenarate, or those flamers from Idol came out.

Did anyone <not> know this? More importantly, does anyone really give a damn?

BTW, Melissa Etheridge, Elton John and George Michael are gay, just so ya know.

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Wow... just for the record' date=' I'm not opposed to someone being homosexual.

Geez.. this thread got a little rough.[/quote']

.... More importantly, does anyone really give a damn?

The point I was attempting to make.

Secondary point: Mr. Martin has not been relevant for 10-ish years.

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I hope your talking about Jennifer. :wtf:

I don't know. She annoys the fuck out of me, and her movies are terrible.

haha yes I was referring to her. Agreed on being annoying, thats probably why I don't find her that attractive either

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