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Dem congressman: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over


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Disappointed the you guys weren't all over this. :wtf:



Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week that he fears that by sending additional Marines to Guam, the island will become so overpopulated that it will "capsize."
The office claims that the congressman is a "tremendous deadpan -- and that he was using a facetious metaphor." Statement from his spokesman below
“I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over,” said Johnson. “I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction to the port on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which would adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and over burden its already overstressed infrastructure. “Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable island – is already overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do harm to Guam.”
I am skeptical... but his bio says he has a law degree


Prior to his election to Congress, Rep. Johnson served twelve (12) years as a DeKalb County magistrate judge, five (5) years as a county commissioner and three (3) years as chair of the DeKalb County Budget Committee. Rep. Johnson practiced civil and criminal law in DeKalb County for twenty-seven (27) years. A staunch supporter of public education, he is a graduate of the District of Columbia Public Schools, Clark College in Atlanta and the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University. Rep. Johnson is married to Attorney Mereda Davis Johnson and has two children.


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