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First 75 degree day, ohhhh yeah, the squids are definitely out...


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i slack off when it comes to pants...always wear leg protection, but never my actual riding pants....not really sure of the point sometimes, the thin sweats or old navy brand jeans dont seem like they would hold up AT ALL in an accident, rather be in shorts since they will do me just as well....havent ridden in shorts though, and i need to start wearing my riding pants...theyre just so damn bulky lol

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i slack off when it comes to pants...always wear leg protection, but never my actual riding pants....not really sure of the point sometimes, the thin sweats or old navy brand jeans dont seem like they would hold up AT ALL in an accident, rather be in shorts since they will do me just as well....havent ridden in shorts though, and i need to start wearing my riding pants...theyre just so damn bulky lol

I feel a little self conscious about wearing leather pants if I'm heading somewhere. But you do have a choice if you want to look normal. Check these jeans out at the Iron Pony. I have a pair and I'm getting another in the darker shade. They have heavy denim and Kevlar panels sewn to the inside. Plus they look good. IP has them for $100 now but you can find them online for about $85 shipped (no tax). If (and I hope you never do) go down, it will be the BEST money you ever spent and they look great.

BTW the motocross knee and shin armor fit very nicely underneath them.

Edited by ShankroidBeast
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I can say i dont like wearing my gloves much.

I can't stand to not wear gloves, it feels really awkward and less comfortable actually.

I feel a little self conscious about wearing leather pants if I'm heading somewhere. But you do have a choice if you want to look normal. Check these jeans out at the Iron Pony. I have a pair and I'm getting another in the darker shade. They have heavy denim and Kevlar panels sewn to the inside. Plus they look good. IP has them for $100 now but you can find them online for about $95 shipped. If (and I hope you never do) go down, it will be the BEST money you ever spent and they look great.

I need to get a pair of pants. If I am actually going on a ride and not just to work I have a pair of dickies I'll wear, they are the strongest I have.

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I can't stand to not wear gloves, it feels really awkward and less comfortable actually.

I need to get a pair of pants. If I am actually going on a ride and not just to work I have a pair of dickies I'll wear, they are the strongest I have.

This is the way I see it. I wear all my gear for a possible low speed crash (OR THE CRASH YOU MIGHT HAVE JUST RIDING AROUND THE BLOCK OR A JAUNT A FEW MILES FROM YOUR PLACE - sorry didn't mean to shout). Taking a turn with sand or gravel, oil patch on an on-ramp, lowsliding, or the "fender bender" (which of course 3500+ pounds vs 700-900lbs is never a favorable physics match). If it helps me avoid the reaper in a high speed crash more power to me, but I wouldn't count on it.

Ever hear the philosophy that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? Look at it this way. EVEN if you have the BEST medical insurance you will still pay 15-20% of medical bills. An average 20mph road rash (with no gear) and its related injuries can run 100k and go up from there depending on hospital stay and such. I've seen people with gear literally avoid $10,000 in hospital costs from their own pocket by wearing their gear. I work for Mount Carmel Hospitals so not all of this was pulled directly from my ass :D

Edited by ShankroidBeast
I had a banana up my ass so I was distracted
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I can say i dont like wearing my gloves much.

As said above, I can't ride w/out gloves. Even if I was naked, I'd have to have gloves on. Sweaty palm and less grip for riding, but the real plus is that they save your hands so you don't lose them in the hospital. 1st reaction is to put your hands down most of the time when wrecking.

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I feel a little self conscious about wearing leather pants if I'm heading somewhere. But you do have a choice if you want to look normal. Check these jeans out at the Iron Pony. I have a pair and I'm getting another in the darker shade. They have heavy denim and Kevlar panels sewn to the inside. Plus they look good. IP has them for $100 now but you can find them online for about $85 shipped (no tax). If (and I hope you never do) go down, it will be the BEST money you ever spent and they look great.

BTW the motocross knee and shin armor fit very nicely underneath them.

ive got some of these, and another pair thats a black pant.... i need to get a bigger size to go over my shorts, just havent done it yet...need to buy boots too lol

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guys guys guys..... you gotta stop blaming all this squidlyness on stupidity... IT IS BECAUSE OF THE ECONOMY! People can't afford gas these days, so they buy motorcycles to get good gas mileage, and that just empties out their wallets, so they cant AFFORD to buy gear... and pshhht who needs gear to be able to cover expensive medical bills, that ISH is FRIZZEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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ya see my hands dont sweat and for me and im not saying what i do is right. I have been down twice and I guess my natural reaction is to tuck my arms in lol. thats what always happens. tuck and role. I do need them pants my knee's have been waked two times hard. dam Deer got me good last year. i wish they would open up hunting season on them year around. I would like to see the last white tail in a museum some were lol.

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...i need to start wearing my riding pants...theyre just so damn bulky lol

I wear my leather pants as often as I can, for what I paid for them I'll be damned if they're gonna hang in the closet!

Besides who can resist the SWing'R in tight leather pants :cool:

Edited by SWing'R
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Okay here is a thought. You know all the people in your life that give you a hard time about riding?????

Tell them you want to be safer but gear costs money. Then ask them just how much they care about you and if something were to happen how much is your life worth to them?

Sometimes a guilt trip can go a long way when you want someone else to pay for what would normally come out of your own pocket :)

And yes, I've done it and NO I'm not ashamed.

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ya see my hands dont sweat and for me and im not saying what i do is right. I have been down twice and I guess my natural reaction is to tuck my arms in lol. thats what always happens. tuck and role. I do need them pants my knee's have been waked two times hard. dam Deer got me good last year. i wish they would open up hunting season on them year around. I would like to see the last white tail in a museum some were lol.

I wasn't in a wreck where I rolled. I slide face down so yeah the hands get it. Not every wreck is a tuck and roll there gunslinga. :p

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From my atv/dirt bike racin days... which I know also applies to asphalt.. you DONT want to roll... rolling is what creates broken bones.

I think going down at all breaks bones lol. I know my sister went down at mid ohio and just slid and broke her coaler bone is 3 place. I shouldnt just say slid it was the in pack of just the low side but it was enough.

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Okay. My ugly ass has something to say.

if you were on a reality game show and one of your tasks was to get pushed out of a moving vehicle on to any given asphalt road in your neihborhood at 30mph how would you prepair for that? would you do it in shorts" tee shirt? NAHHHH....

you would gear up wouldn't you? Hell you would go over board. Stuff an over sized leather jacket with foam, elbow pads. hockey gear, and make sure not a single part of you is oncovered RIGHT?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it :)

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I've passed hundreds of riders in the last few days and not one has been wearing proper gear. No exaggeration!


:nono: I seriously don't get the no gear thing out here. I'm nervous enough going around the block of my own neighborhood with just jeans and a t-shirt.

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I think going down at all breaks bones lol. I know my sister went down at mid ohio and just slid and broke her coaler bone is 3 place. I shouldnt just say slid it was the in pack of just the low side but it was enough.

Oh fosho fosho bro... a CRASH is a crash. Not guaranteed anything....

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Okay. My ugly ass has something to say.

if you were on a reality game show and one of your tasks was to get pushed out of a moving vehicle on to any given asphalt road in your neihborhood at 30mph how would you prepair for that? would you do it in shorts" tee shirt? NAHHHH....

you would gear up wouldn't you? Hell you would go over board. Stuff an over sized leather jacket with foam, elbow pads. hockey gear, and make sure not a single part of you is oncovered RIGHT?

Put that in your pipe and smoke it :)

well all im going to say on that is that we do still live in a free country to do what we want even if it means making the wrong decision in others minds as long as it dosnt harm someone else. So that said Im not one of the homers to make fun of someone else for riding with out gear its on them it dosnt harm me in any way. now some day this could end up a dictatorship and you can be first in line for that. :D

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