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urine tests


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Got this in an email, thought it was kind of to the point.


Like most folks in this country, I have a job. I download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1work, they pay me. download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=3&fid=Inbox&inline=1I pay my taxes & the government distributes my taxes download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=4&fid=Inbox&inline=1as it sees download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=5&fid=Inbox&inline=1fit.

In order to get that paycheck, in my case, I am required to pass a random urine download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=6&fid=Inbox&inline=1test (with which I have no problem). download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=7&fid=Inbox&inline=1

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

So, here is my question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT----doing drugs download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=8&fid=Inbox&inline=1while I work.

Can you imagine how much money download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=9&fid=Inbox&inline=1each state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

I guess we could call the program "URINE OR YOU'RE OUT"!

Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though. Something has to change in this country - AND SOON!

P.S. Just a thought, all politicians download?mid=1%5f3951%5fAJHFtEQAAPidS7F4ZggRHhiAwwM&pid=10&fid=Inbox&inline=1should have to pass a urine test too!

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personally, I think the government shoudl be able to require a hell of a lot more than a urine test if you're going to accept any assistance funded by taxes.

No one is forcing anyone to accept welfare, etc. - so a pee test (or birth control, or mandatory meetings with a financial planner) is just a condition on otherwise 'free' assistance; I think a reasonable one.

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I'm fine with a drug test to collect any paycheck. It's the company's interest to succeed and they need people they can count on. We had random piss test in the army. If you failed you suffered the consequences. I think this would be an EXCELLENT idea to collect help from the government.

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  chevysoldier said:
You want me to pee in your mouth? :wtf::eek:

I see you have a problem with reading comprehension.

I offer to give the taste test to anyone who wants a urine test from me. More Big Brother bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

What a person does to themselves on their own time is their business. If it affects their work, then fire them for that, not for what they choose to do with their free time.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not pro drug abuse, I'm anti invasion of privacy. But, I do believe that the war on drugs is the biggest waste of tax payer money that the US has ever seen.

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  max power said:
I see you have a problem with reading comprehension.

I offer to give the taste test to anyone who wants a urine test from me. More Big Brother bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

What a person does to themselves on their own time is their business. If it affects their work, then fire them for that, not for what they choose to do with their free time.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not pro drug abuse, I'm anti invasion of privacy. But, I do believe that the war on drugs is the biggest waste of tax payer money that the US has ever seen.

I'm just f'ing with ya. :D

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  jeremygsxr said:

So, here is my question: Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

i dont have to take a drug test for my job, so we just canceled each other out.

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  max power said:
I see you have a problem with reading comprehension.

I offer to give the taste test to anyone who wants a urine test from me. More Big Brother bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

What a person does to themselves on their own time is their business. If it affects their work, then fire them for that, not for what they choose to do with their free time.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not pro drug abuse, I'm anti invasion of privacy. But, I do believe that the war on drugs is the biggest waste of tax payer money that the US has ever seen.


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  granda080 said:
The cost of drug testing all the people that receive government assistance would be astronomical. Tax payers would of course have to pay for that as well. I totally agree with the thought though.

you don't think the number of people who are currently wasting their welfare money on drugs and who wouldn't be able to recieve assistance wouldn't negate the amount of money spent on drug testing?

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  max power said:
The only urine test you are getting from me is a taste test.

BUT, you are one that is probably never going to be on government assistance. I'm just guessing on this by the work ethic that you appear to have.

  max power said:
I see you have a problem with reading comprehension.

I offer to give the taste test to anyone who wants a urine test from me. More Big Brother bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

Careful, there may be some out there that will take you up on this one, for their own enjoyment.... just sayin'...... :puke:

  max power said:
What a person does to themselves on their own time is their business. If it affects their work, then fire them for that, not for what they choose to do with their free time.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not pro drug abuse, I'm anti invasion of privacy. But, I do believe that the war on drugs is the biggest waste of tax payer money that the US has ever seen.

I think I get what you mean here. I have known some people that function better slightly under the influence of a substance. That is probably their fault for being so dependant on the substnace though. I totally get your point, and connot disagree with you.

  granda080 said:
The cost of drug testing all the people that receive government assistance would be astronomical. Tax payers would of course have to pay for that as well. I totally agree with the thought though.

Take it out of their "benefits" so that THEY are paying for it.

Once you start living on my dime, you should be expected to spend that money where it is NEEDED, not on wants.

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Or we could just axe program completely and let nature take its course. Some will die (boo hoo) and some will get up off of their asses and do something. Survival of the fittest.

On a serious side, You can't institute restrictions on how they spend their welfare checks. But I do agree that something must be done. Maybe do something like unemployement where you have to actually work to get any benefits. Or even time constraints.

The vast majority of the welfare recipients do not have the lifestyle you or I would approve of - its probably the reason why they are where they are.

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  psyco1 said:
And mandatory abortions if they get knocked up. We don't need them giving themselves pay raises.

it crazy how ppl have kids just so that they can get more gov. money.

  goal12 said:
Or we could just axe program completely and let nature take its course. Some will die (boo hoo) and some will get up off of their asses and do something. Survival of the fittest.

On a serious side, You can't institute restrictions on how they spend their welfare checks. But I do agree that something must be done. Maybe do something like unemployement where you have to actually work to get any benefits. Or even time constraints.

The vast majority of the welfare recipients do not have the lifestyle you or I would approve of - its probably the reason why they are where they are.

i think crime rates would sky rocket if you completely cut it.

why the fuck cant we restrict what they spend it on???

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Here are the only restrictions that I know of...

- Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco

- Any non-food items, such as:

- pet foods;

- soaps, paper products; and

- household supplies.

- Vitamins and medicines.

- Food that will be eaten in the store.

- Hot foods

There are loopholes with every system, and people that will always be there to suck it up. So even if you did weed out the drug users, you still have the people that abuse the system.

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4Daivi I was being sarcastic in the first part of my comment.

I guess some restrictions are O.k. but what stops the people making the restrictions from adding more and more? What stops society from saying mandatory abortions is not enough, we need to neuter these women and men? Of course this is an extreme situation, but it is useful as an example.

Like Cdubyah said, there are loopholes in this system. I understand the frustration of seeing it fail and be abused, but it's the only option we have. We will never be able to patch it up so as to make it the perfect system - congress will stop us from doing that.

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