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lawyers... or people who know the law well


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i got a relatively harmless speeding ticket in the canton area (77N, 74 in a 55) and don't have the time or inclination to drive down there to bargain it down to a no points non-moving. anyone know a lawyer that practices in that area?

also, do i have to be there for that, or can the lawyer just represent me? seems to depend on city, so i dunno. if i have to be there regardless, i'll just pay the ticket.

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it's weird, i've been up and down that way like several dozen times on my bike in the last 2~3 years and this is the first time i've gotten lit up. funny that it should happen while i'm driving my car with the bike trailered.

anyways, i can't take the time to drive down there and spend the time and drive back since there is too much crap to do at the shop, so if the lawyer guy can get it done for me, i'll just go that route. if i have to show, it won't be worth it either way. i got some lawyers through findlaw, so we'll see what they say.

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i have been thru this twice the first was to beat a wreckless opp and the second was to beat 25mph over (4 points), the first time i got a lawyer the second time i didnt and plead not guilty, waited for the pre trial, talked to the prosecuter during the pre-trial told him the situation and he was able to make it a bigg fine instead of points $500. Im a corrections officer and my file has to stay good. might save u money on a lawyer i paid 500 for a lawyer and still got a $400 fine and still got the wreckless opp for speeding on one weel so u might want to think about what a lawyer can actually do before u pay. hope this helps and good luck

EDIT-you will have to be there either way but if u dont want points plea not guilty dont plea no contest then the judge will find u guilty. this 74 in a 55 is only a 2pt offence inless its a construction zone

Edited by CBR4life
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