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ATT:NB Squids on 94 N of 241 430pm.


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Ok here is the deal:

If a cruiser pulls to the white line to wave you by when you get past it you wave thank you. You see its common courtosey like the courtosey I showed you sharing a lane with you so you could fly down the road. And another thing if you don't want to gear up fine but at least tuck your t-shirt in so I don't have to look at your butt crack. :mad:

Ok rant over. Thank you everyone else for listening.

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people on cruisers never wave me by...i always have to wait and change lanes to get around them, even on 2 lane roads where theyre in my way...people probably dont know the etiquette because it rarely happens! youre the only one that waves people through, most people are too busy looking cool with their sunglasses, bandana, cigarette, ape hangers, and cut-off t shirt to even acknowledge that theres other riders on the road

/rant...ran into a douche like this the other day...riding right in the middle on a 2 lane road, being a total d-bag because he was too cool for me on my jap bike, sportsters rock ....uh...yea

/rant rant

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Maybe the last sportbike he waved through didn't thank him so he ain't gonna do it anymore creating a catch 22. For the record my rant was directed only at the dudes today. First time a sporter has not thanked me. :)

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if you don't want to gear up fine but at least tuck your t-shirt in so I don't have to look at your butt crack. :mad:

You gotta figure, if the guy doesn't even know how to dress himself then he probably doesn't know much else. Next time let him work for it.

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While I agree that it was rude to not wave back to you, I also believe it is wrong to do something nice and expect recognition, or something in return. That's just my personal belief. If I were to expect something in return for everything nice that I do, I would be miserable, and probably quit being nice!


Maybe this thread should be renamed to "today's Rant Thread"?

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Ok, rant thread it is!! My apologies this should have gone in an OT forum rather than daily ride.

I also believe it is wrong to do something nice and expect recognition

I respectfully disagree. Doing the right thing....the nice thing is exactly what should be expected of everyone. And saying thank you should also be expected. And those that don't do it should be shunned from society and maybe we help them move to France where rudeness is a national pastime. My mom would still beat me senseless if she saw me neglect to thank someone that did something nice and I am 50. Maybe we need more of that too; parents beating their kids senseless every now and then. :)

BTW the ride was awesome. Blew off work at 12:30 and left Elyria. Down 83 to Millersburg then back up 241 to 94 then back up to CLV. First time I recall ever being on 241, very nice road. Saw the biggest horses I have ever seen in my life plowing the fields for the Amish folks. FYI everyone, 83 is going to be closed for awhile between Wooster and Millersburg the end of April for a month, closer to Millersburg. Signs are just going up now so I didn't see all the details but I THINK it said for 30 days.

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better than the dude that thought he was hot shit oh the orange busa on cleveland.. me and theresa were on our way to IP and this dude is rocking khaki shorts, no shirt, gold chains aviator glasses and a jersey shore fake bake! haha

This story makes me a sad orange busa owner. :(

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