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Gun Control nuts.


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I wonder how she explains this: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126386923&ft=1&f=1003

Illinois has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation and Chicago has a Ban on handguns.......... How could it get this bad when carrying a gun is prohibited by law!!!! LMAO Why wont the criminals follow the law?????? lol

Awesome! I am going to forward this to her and ask her to explain it for me. Since I am obviously missing the boat on why gun control works.

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Really? Do you really have a bunch of time to waste? Why bother?

Why not? It only takes a couple of minutes and I get so see her side of things. Maybe knowing why she thinks what she does can help me to help others see the positive sides of guns and concealed carry. And I'm finding it fun to get her riled up.

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if you really want to get pissed off, read the brady campaign website. its so full of lies and bullshit, it would almost be funny if it were not actually serious.

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if you really want to get pissed off, read the brady campaign website. its so full of lies and bullshit, it would almost be funny if it were not actually serious.

No, I have before and I do get pretty pissed. It's too early to get into that today.

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People like her are irrational. Her web site states:

"They're all law abiding citizens......... until they're not"

With that reasoning, anyone with a penis is a law abiding citizen until we rape someone. I dont think we should outlaw or regulate who may operate a penis just because someone somewhere used one to rape someone.

In her e-mail to you she states:

"Many of us don't think it is normal to walk around with a weapon on you at all times because of unfounded fears."

Actually people who carry typically think of it more like automobile insurance, you carry it, hoping you never have to use it, its protection, just in case the worst happens.

Her fear of law abiding people having the ability to protect themselves is not only unfounded but irrational and misguided. If she is a law abiding citizen, she should have more fear of a world where the criminal is the only one with power over her life and death. The only way her position is not irrational is if she intends to do others harm or commit crimes against others whom she wishes to be unarmed.

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And again:

Interesting article. Thanks for sending.

As I read it many cities crime rate is up. Ohio's is up as well and we don't have any laws that restrict guns at all. Economy, fear and the acceptance of a violent culture probably have something to do with it but there is never only one reason.

Because they don't have the money for the police they think they need one IL Rep suggested national guard to help.

I liked the following from the article and have found it to be true with most people.

'You have a number of people in these affected areas that simply accept the violence as a part of daily life. In the areas that aren't affected, people say, hey, my neighborhood is safe, it's really not an issue to me. So we really have two mentalities that both add fuel to the fire, as it were, and let these things go on. '

The violence is happening with guns not without them. Chicago does not have a wall built around it so guns are still getting in there and obviously to people that shouldn't have them.

The need is to get those illegal guns off the street. Arming more people will only add to the gunfire and loss of life.

It is about people dying.

( guess what- those years that murder rates fell didn't have anything to do with being allowed to carry loaded weapons in public)

Thanks for polite conversation.

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she says Ohio's is up as well... up from what? from when? last year? 10 years ago? 100 years ago?

Arming more people will only add to the gunfire and loss of life.

thats what they said about ohio and ccw... i have yet to see a shootout in the street.

( guess what- those years that murder rates fell didn't have anything to do with being allowed to carry loaded weapons in public)

then what DID they have to do with?

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Input please before I send, rough draft I will clean it up a little bit:

I can see you really don't understand the world or people at all. I've shown you gun regulation=more crime. Both here and abroad. You even said it yourself! Guns are still getting in to Chicago!!! No kidding. So by regulating guns you are keeping them out of the hands of good guys, that want to protect themselves. How do you plan on keeping them out of the hands of bad guys? You are just going around in circles.You said crime/murder wasn't up after gun bans and I proved to you it was. Look at Switzerland. Everyone has a gun and yet violent crime is extremely low. I see you didn't answer any points I made in my previous email.

Since the police are under no obligation to protect me, how am I supposed to protect myself? Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home? Why? Firefighters are there to put fires out.

I'm really sorry to see someone that really wants to help with gun violence be so misdirected. It is people like you that get other people killed. When someone is killed in a restaurant I want you to know it is because of people like you that forced them to disarm. When a city bans guns and the good guy can't protect his wife from being killed, know it is because of people like you that disarmed him. What happens when you go to the store that has a no guns sign posted and the bad guy comes in and is going to murder you? And the law abiding citizen that carries was forced to lock it in his car and cannot protect you. He followed the law, the bad guy did not. It's your life at stake. Remember that next you go into a store.

When you outlaw guns only criminals will have them. Do you give speeches anywhere? I would love to come to one and hear you speak.

Edited by chevysoldier
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As one of the lines in my signature says: "Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."

'Bout sums it up, at least in this man's opinion.

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She's an idiot and gives examples that have no basis or are skewed to her benefit. I hope to go to one of her speeches so I can put her on the spot in public.

Let me know when and where and I may join you.

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I would think someone like her would be afraid to voice her opinion so loudly....... I mean.... she's not only telling law abiding people that she doesn't believe in guns....... she's telling criminals also........ If your a criminal and looking for a safe place to break into.......... she may as well put up neon lights proclaiming her vulnerabilty!

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I would think someone like her would be afraid to voice her opinion so loudly....... I mean.... she's not only telling law abiding people that she doesn't believe in guns....... she's telling criminals also........ If your a criminal and looking for a safe place to break into.......... she may as well put up neon lights proclaiming her vulnerabilty!

But she truly believe high gun regulation will take the guns out of criminals hands. And a law abiding citizen like myself who either openly carries or carries concealed is just a criminal who hasn't committed a crime yet. People like me are just as dangerous as the criminal who kills a bunch of people.

Maybe it's reverse psychology and she actually loves guns so much she's just throwing the bait out for a criminal to bust into her place so she can riddle them with bullets.

That sounds good but judging the way she was talking I highly doubt that is the case. I already told her that when she is face to face with a bad guy with a gun that wants to kill her, I will not use by gun to save her.

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