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Riddle me this MS fanboys


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I don't care about flash. Its old, bulky and is only ever used for video delivery. There are better ways to do that now. I agree with Apple dropping flash, I don't agree with Job's BS "flash is a closed system" hype. Really?! CEO of APPLE saying that? :lol:

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I don't care about flash. Its old, bulky and is only ever used for video delivery. There are better ways to do that now. I agree with Apple dropping flash, I don't agree with Job's BS "flash is a closed system" hype. Really?! CEO of APPLE saying that? :lol:

If you read it, he said they have a lot of proprietary hardware and applications, but that he believes all web protocols should be open. Hence, CSS, jquery, html5, webkit, etc.

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I don't care about flash. Its old, bulky and is only ever used for video delivery. There are better ways to do that now. I agree with Apple dropping flash, I don't agree with Job's BS "flash is a closed system" hype. Really?! CEO of APPLE saying that? :lol:



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Why is it that when Apple refuses to support Flash, you are all up in arms... but when Microsoft announces IE9 will only support H.264 video, moving towards HTML5, there isn't a peep.

You got a link to me being all up in arms about Apple not supporting Flash there Mr. Strawman. I couldn't care less what Apple does or doesn't do.

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I block all ads, flash, scripts, crap, and anything new anyone comes up with that annoys me with funky ads and other items that waste time and resources. And I mean gone. Run on demand only.

so I don't care...

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The biggest difference with Flash and Apple is that their devices only use their Safari browser so there is no option. If you don't like what IE9 uses for something, use a different browser. No big deal.

I am a web developer where I work and I've used flash in many instances where it worked well. I use javascript and similar open formats when they are the best tool for the job which they are in a lot of cases, but they aren't always. Then I'm also limited by the javascript engine in the different browsers especially in IE where it's really slow.

Flash is still one of the best ways to do interactive graphics in the browser and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Video delivery is the least of my issues with not supporting flash, those sites will move to whatever is supported. But for the actual web applications that can't be moved to something like HTML5, and even if they could would require a huge rewrite, I don't like the restriction placed on me. Too many people arguing against Flash in this debate only use the internet for surfing sites like this and a few other basic things. They don't really grasp the amount of content that is in Flash and that it isn't always the huge eyesore that it used to be.

Again, it's not the lack of support for flash, it's the restriction that I can't do anything about it that I don't like.

As a developer, I don't like forced formats instead of just using what's best for the job. Big companies making decisions like this force people like me to do things "their way" to keep up.

EDIT: Also, is there such a thing as an MS fanboy (not counting those that work there)?

Edited by snodgrass23
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Wrong, I'm running Safari and Firefox and could be using Google Chrome. You're not limited to just Safari.

The discussion that started this, though, is the other devices, namely the iPhone and iPad. I'm not talking about the full machines or laptops.

They've also locked out 3rd party applications to build iPhone/iPad applications. You now have to use their dev tools if you want to make something (assuming you're not jailbreaking, obviously).

Edited by snodgrass23
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If you read it, he said they have a lot of proprietary hardware and applications, but that he believes all web protocols should be open. Hence, CSS, jquery, html5, webkit, etc.

I read it this way:

Jobs: We're a closed system using open standards.

Adobe: Were an open system using closed standards.


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