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Anyone for Daytona next year?


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I would not go down for bike week. I was there for the races Sunday-Monday (rain issue) and the week after for spring break and even without the bikes there for bike week it is way to damn crowded. You might as well park your bike somewhere and walk it is faster and easier to get around.

I can't even imagine how bad bike week is.

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Bike week is great. Everyone owes it to themselves to go at least once. It's WAY crowded and tons of people. I've done over 15 of them and it is now boring and lame. I usually only spent time inside the pits everyday and rarely had time to go out on the main drag near the beach...

The october bike week is much more tame and more open. Less cool stuff and definately less cool racing, but it is pretty good...

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  Pedro said:


Bornsinner, Banana's, and Cluth went last year if I am not mistaken. Seemed like they had a good time. When is it this year?

Yes we were down there for Stunt Wars(and had a great time)

I would consider going down to "Hell on Two Wheels" this year....what are the dates....

That could be two good out-of-state races next....


Indy GP.....:bow::bow:

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