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UPDATED: Dayton May 30th ride meeting spot!


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I got 3 sick vids of us riding...not sure how to post up a 3gb vid on youtube....if someone knows let me kno....

Did you try www.vimeo.com?

Nick, kudos for putting together such a big shindig and showing us the best roads Dayton has to offer!

Uncle Punk, you were like a ninja sneaking down to ride with us! It was great to see you and the baby and much appreciation for all the work you did to keep our group from getting broken up.

Fusion, nice to officially meet you and thank you for helping keep the group from getting broken up.

BikerBoy, I totally didn't think you would ride all the way down to us. You're a tough rider!

The nice fella in the Browns shirt, I hope you're not too sore and I'm glad it was just a low speed get off.

Suntorn, sorry about the damage to your bike and more importantly to your person! I hope you're on the mend quickly and back out riding with us.

ps - it was FRICKEN HOT today!!!!!!!!

Glad you got me to do it. :cool: Hope to ride with you again this year. Maybe a Coshocton ride.

It was a fast ride. The accidents happened near the front of the pack, I think. I had to work to keep up (cruiser + low curve/turn skills), but it was a great experience and definitely great meeting those of you I got to chat with.

To the person with the white cruiser, thanks for the company at the back! ;-)


Us up front didn't have any issues. I think the first offroading was in the middle of the pack. The last bad get off was about 10 bikes back probably. I didn't know where he came from. It was scary shit for sure. Glad he's going to be fine though...just needs some healing time for the broken bones.

The white cruiser with you was REDROCKET04. Nice guy for sure.

Nice to finally meet you Palandor. :cheers:

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that was one of the best rides i have been on, loved it.

UP, I assume you are talking about me. I didn't mean anything by that, you didn't really scare me so much as surprise me. Its cool though, I didn't mean that you needed to change your tactic of keeping us together. In fact, thanks for all you did, it helped a lot

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I was buzzing the group after every stop because I stopped traffic until Fusion made it to me so I could let Nick know it was okay to leave at the next stop. I forget sometimes others aren't comfortable with someone close to them. I understand that being the case for them and will try to do things differently next time.

After the first few zooms past me, I figured out what you were doing and almost started expecting it. ;-)

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Fusion, nice to officially meet you and thank you for helping keep the group from getting broken up.

ps - it was FRICKEN HOT today!!!!!!!!

Fusion was the person who really sacrificed, I offered to swap duties with him a few times but he took that duty over and wouldn't give it up. I had fun riding back to the front. Nick is right the front guys didn't have issues and the rides up front move faster the smaller the group. Nick still might not be too sure if he would beat me to 150 mph (From another thread.) but I'm certain he would pull me on the big end.

It was hot, hot, hot but I got to ride home in air-conditioning. This was the first ride I have trailerd to and it wasn't a bad experience at all. I might do it again.

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I want a trailer on my SUV now.

You weigh a lot less than me too which helps you, but I think I can inch away from you man...then really pull you past 150 as well....woooohahahaha...:devil::evil::D

We'll never be anywhere good to try it anyway probably. They should close a road for us. Email the governor dude!

Competition makes life fun. Can we spray too?

Edited by NinjaNick
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Fun times guys...I had a blast. Sorry I wasn't able to get more of the ride on video. I did get 1.7Gb of vid though, a little over half the ride before the heat killed the battery on my camera. Will find a way to cut it up and post a few vids during the 'non-boring' parts. Next time I'll get FazerLady to wear a White Shirt... :tits:

Unfortunately, I was not behind the guys that wrecked, so I didn't catch them on cam.

BTW...after a full bird Colonel and a Major, Captain, Lieutenant and then a Tech Sergeant yelled at me for not getting ole boy help sooner...I think it is my place to tell us all...CALL A DAMN AMBULANCE!!! They were right though, he could have had internal problems or damaged his neck. Basically, don't let the victim tell you he is o.k. Adrenaline is still running the body and the pain is not there. Besides, its better to be safe than sorry.


Glan you're o.k. D.


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I should mention though, that it gets faster and it was toned down today. :lol: Trust me. ;)

I shouldn't be surprised that it seemed fast to me. I'm on a cruiser with 30+ sport bikes. :D

Nice meeting everyone. Nick, a big thank you to leading and planning the ride. And a big thanks to our sweepers and traffic handlers!

Redrocket04, perhaps we can ride together in the future.


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Had an AWESOME time. Thanks for taking all the time to organize this Nick.

Was a nice pace, w no pressure to go over my abilities.

Nice bunch of people, glad I got to meet and talk w some of you.

With all the paranoia threads before the actual ride, I actually thought it went better than I was expecting. Especially keeping everyone together. Yeah, the 2 (3?) incidents suck. (Was there damage on the low speed collision at the stop sign?) I didn't realize the second was bad enough for a broken hand. I thought he was just sore w some road rash. He certainly didn't show it. Must be the military in him. (Think you'll still make it to Putnam Suntorn?)

Uncle Punk: yeah, I was jolted a few times, but only because I wasn't expecting it, and wasnt sure if you were coming in my lane. Got used to it after a while. Like someone else mentioned, I too wasn't sure if you were going to make it back to the right over those hills. More jewels than I, that's for sure.

Will post the few pics I have.


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It was definitely a great ride. As far as the small group getting separated, I look at it as we just got some extra riding in while you guys sat in the sun at a gas station. :D

@Unclepunk-- you look um, different than I expected. Like others have said, though. Once you buzzed us a few times, I knew it was coming, and moved over, both to let you by, and so you couldn't get my ass on your way by. I raced ya one time, but I don't think you noticed. lol.

It was a fast ride. The accidents happened near the front of the pack, I think. I had to work to keep up (cruiser + low curve/turn skills), but it was a great experience and definitely great meeting those of you I got to chat with.

To the person with the white cruiser, thanks for the company at the back! ;-)


Hey, that was me. You're welcome. We were like the stodgy old adults keeping all those hooligans on their zippy bikes in line. :D Yes, we could definitely get together and ride sometime.

The white cruiser with you was REDROCKET04. Nice guy for sure.

Thanks. You're a nice guy, too. :cheers:

It wasn't the buzzing by that was a problem it was the grabbing our asses each time you did it

You were there? Check out the quote above. I guess I'm not a tool in real life. This makes us happy. :cheers:

All in all, it was a great day. The heat sucked, but the pink bikini girl mowing the lawn made it worth the misery.

I'd like to thank the Columbus crew again for pissing off the psycho chick in the Grand Am on the way home, so that she could try to keep me from passing, and then flipping me off when I did it anyway. :confused:

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"With all the paranoia threads before the actual ride, I actually thought it went better than I was expecting. Especially keeping everyone together. Yeah, the 2 (3?) incidents suck. (Was there damage on the low speed collision at the stop sign?) I didn't realize the second was bad enough for a broken hand. I thought he was just sore w some road rash. He certainly didn't show it. Must be the military in him. (Think you'll still make it to Putnam Suntorn?)"

There was definitely a low speed collision. It happened right in front of me. Dude that got hit seemed to stop suddenly, didn't see a reason, and the other dude didn't react quick enough.

Thanks for the ride today! It was good to see all of you again. Hope the other two guys heal up.

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I got 3 sick vids of us riding...not sure how to post up a 3gb vid on youtube....if someone knows let me kno....

It will take a long time to upload but you can upload up to 10g or 10minutes in length I believe.

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You were there? Check out the quote above. I guess I'm not a tool in real life. This makes us happy.

I'd like to thank the Columbus crew again for pissing off the psycho chick in the Grand Am on the way home, so that she could try to keep me from passing, and then flipping me off when I did it anyway. :confused:

Depending on the day I can be





Or ShittyBuell

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Yeah Thanks to Fusion and UP for keeping everything together. I loved seeing the baby fly by. Yeah I tagged someone at a stop, like said before stopped for no reason didn't react quick enough. No damage except his rear signal but It looked like he can just pop it back on.

Was a hell of a fun ride decent pace in the middle and fun up front, I'm glad I stayed up after work. I crash when I got home though and slept till 11 and I'm back at work. Nice to meet new faces and rides. Suntorn hope you heal quickly. Granda glad to see you found your way home.

Edited by cattmouch33
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