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Iron fist hands down 130mph speeding ticket


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Shit, please. I'll hit you so hard, your 250 will feel it, and grow a zx14 motor, and it'll beat yo ass, too. You'll hit the ground so fast from my fists of fury, that time will go backwards, Chipotle will open, and you'll find yourself in line buying me a burrito, and not even know why. Don't fuck with me.

:D Scareds??

:lol::lol::lol:My eyes are waterin' over here!!!

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Oh God! I just wasted who knows how much time reading this thread!

Remind me to never tell anyone when I blow off a cop in excess of 130 mph.

I would like to know about the how he got insurance or keeps it for that matter after the ticket...


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LoL... what's with the new guys' date=' lately? Between this ass clown and the dipshit that hates cops I just can't close my browser.[/quote']

Well... I have to agree with you 100% again... sheesh... Youre on a roll.

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Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day.

how did you ever escape from mr. rogers neighborhood?

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do you realize how fast 170 mph is??

at 170 mph youre outrunning your reaction time...headlights dont mean shit, if you come up on a tire laying in the road at that speed, good fuckin luck...

and jrm, lets take the best situation possible, say youre doing 170 down 71 where its 4-5 lanes wide (polaris area).... if theres people out on the roads with you, they could check their mirrors quickly and see you way off in the distance, and then switch lanes, merge, swerve for an exit they almost missed, etc etc etc....people in cars do unpredictable shit all the time...thats why bikers are always getting mowed over by cars, because people in cars pay no fucking attention....if everything was as easy to predict as you make it out to be, nobody would ever be in a wreck

i would rather take my chance that a deer would run out in front of me going down 270, and an suv pulling into my lane as im going by....atleast if you hit a deer at that speed, you have a chance to survive it, you hit a car/truck at that speed and you end up like that internet famous dude whose head is crushed into the back of the semi while his body is dangling there

ill take my chances at night on clear roads, instead of day time when everybody is out there with me!

Are you basing this on your ability or someone else's? The reason I ask is that you may not be able to react at 170, but others can. Just don't lump everyone in at the same place... If you cannot see a tire ahead at any speed, it has nothing to do with the speed, but rather your ability to judge depth at that speed. Again, some can... Some cannot.

As for the 270 thing. Right... 170 on 270 is not very bright... For anyone.

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i guess i was basing it on how a vehicle responds at those speeds under sudden movement


You are correct. I know a certain guy that showed 200 (Speedo error for sure, but you get the idea...) on a ZX12 once. It sucked to get anything done other than stay in the same lane. Even that was tough as the cross wind was a factor... Or so I was told...;)

But to have to change direction to avoid something? Pretty tough w/o major issues...

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I like that guy. He has taste.

Yeah, we actually entertained and almost actually did, race a ZX12 in the WERA National Endurance Series. At the time, Corona tried a Busa with mediocre success. We were with Team Green at the time and they were cool with the idea. Just too much work...

In hindsight, it would have been cool if we could have got it working...

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Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know you're pulling off for a proper place to talk. It will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180 degree turn at speed, but you will be ready for it. Brace for the g's, and fast heel-toe work.

:lol: I just now read this.

"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

Great book.

NINJA14 and redrocket04 do not threaten people on here.

It's not nice. If you do it again and it will be a 3 day ban.

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