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Dear liberals, We told ya so!


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California is 20 billion in debt from its liberal spending. They have reached a point where they can no longer sustain their debt. I've been watching the news and they are proposing all kinds of cuts in the "create a dependent for life" programs.


Every year that they have raised taxes, they have brought in less revenue. Huckabee was just on the news talking about U-haul, he said rental rates to exit California are thru the roof compared to rates to go to california because everyone is leaving and they are having to haul the empties back to be rented again..... lol

I'm waiting for Obama to step up and bail out California with more borrowed Chinese money in an effort to get our federal government in the same pathetic shape....lol

I hate it that this has to happen....... but its nice to be able to say" I told you so"

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Hmmm, that's funny because I always read Herr Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor, not a liberal.


As a Republican, he was first elected on October 7, 2003, in a special recall election to replace then-Governor Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger was sworn in on November 17, 2003, to serve the remainder of Davis's term. Schwarzenegger was then re-elected on November 7, 2006, in California's 2006 gubernatorial election, to serve a full term as governor, defeating Democrat Phil Angelides, who was California State Treasurer at the time. Schwarzenegger was sworn in for a second term on January 5, 2007.

So he's been in office in 2003, and the deficit is because of 'liberal spending' according to you? He's been in charge of the budget for almost 8 years now...

Nice try - "I told you so" :lol:

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Hmmm, that's funny because I always read Herr Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor, not a liberal.

Schwarzenegger can call himself anything he likes (as far as party affiliation goes).

The fact of the matter is he hasn't governed as a conservative - fiscally OR socially - and I doubt that a democrat would have done any different.

If you want to believe that the spending policies that have gone on during his term were the least bit conservative, go for it. You'd be wrong (again) but that doesn't seem to matter much to you.

BTW, whats with all the typing out of you? Run outta cartoons?

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LOL, He has been dealing with this problem since day one. He ran on the idea that he would he bring restraint to the out of control spending and he has been unable to do so due to the liberals in the state house. The only reason he can do it now is because they have no choice, they can no longer pay their bills. There is no way you can misconstrue this as a conservative problem. My "I told ya so" Stands as un-deniable! LOL

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i just want to know, if during a budget crisis like the one in california, do the legislators freeze their paychecks so they're not contributing to the problem?

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Hmmm, that's funny because I always read Herr Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor, not a liberal.


So he's been in office in 2003, and the deficit is because of 'liberal spending' according to you? He's been in charge of the budget for almost 8 years now...

Nice try - "I told you so" :lol:

I suppose you consider his wife, Maria Shriver to be Republican too.

Everything is not as it appears, in the land of fruits and nuts...

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Please refer to your arguements above regarding out of control spending vis a vis past administrations. And budget surpluses, if you remember those. That will be all. Thank you.

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Please refer to your arguements above regarding out of control spending vis a vis past administrations. And budget surpluses, if you remember those. That will be all. Thank you.

I'd be happy to.

Provided that you remember that the congress (or state house) controls the purse, not the president (or governor).

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So maybe you guys can help me understand this all.

Someone is a Republican/Conservative until they do something you'd consider Liberal then they are a liberal so you can blame all "liberals" for the liberal act the conservative person did....

I think I understand it all now.

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So maybe you guys can help me understand this all.

Someone is a Republican/Conservative until they do something you'd consider Liberal then they are a liberal so you can blame all "liberals" for the liberal act the conservative person did....

I think I understand it all now.

it is all clear as mud

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I'd be happy to.

Provided that you remember that the congress (or state house) controls the purse, not the president (or governor).

108th and 109th Congress majority was? Help me out.

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I like how when liberals are confronted with tangible evidence of liberal spending being horrendous for everything, they bring up the fact that some Republicans have engaged in liberal spending and (surprise surprise) it was a disaster. As if that counters the argument.

It makes the case, it doesn't refute it. Bush spent like a drunken sailor, Ahnold is about as conservative as Eddie Izzard. Neither are models of conservative financial prudence.

Anyway, carry on.

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So maybe you guys can help me understand this all.

Someone is a Republican/Conservative until they do something you'd consider Liberal then they are a liberal so you can blame all "liberals" for the liberal act the conservative person did....

I think I understand it all now.

Actually you're quite correct. Where you seem to be failing to understand is that many folks who are conservative aren't particularly married to a politician as much as they are to the principles a politician is SUPPOSED to represent. So, if a republican behaves as a liberal, he is a liberal.

If you're a priest, but fuck little boys, you're not really a priest but a child molester. You can't blame those who admire priests for now calling the guy a child molester, there's not a contradiction unless you expect them to support their priest no matter his behavior, which actually is worse of a trait.

California is being run into the ground by liberals, some with R's after their name, some with D's. It's not confusing, unless you're a liberal apparently.

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it'd be nice if one day all this bi-partisan bullshit would shut the fuck up and elected officials just did the right thing that is in EVERYONES best interest

my god that has to be the most ignorant thing I've said in awhile

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I like how when liberals are confronted with tangible evidence of liberal spending being horrendous for everything, they bring up the fact that some Republicans have engaged in liberal spending and (surprise surprise) it was a disaster. As if that counters the argument.

It makes the case, it doesn't refute it. Bush spent like a drunken sailor, Ahnold is about as conservative as Eddie Izzard. Neither are models of conservative financial prudence.

Anyway, carry on.

Point taken. But, if that's the case, then you can't mix the definition of the word liberal (definition #10) with the political philosophy of being Liberal (definition #1). They aren't interchangeable in that sense.


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And, I suppose while we're all calling a spade a spade, the Democrats have a lot better track records of being fiscally conservative than Republicans. So, I guess the Democrats are the conservatives and the Republicans are the liberals.


Wrap your heads around that. All you Republicans are really liberals, and the people you call 'liberals' on here are actually the fiscal conservatives.

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It doesn't matter who's who out there in the LA area. It's been down hill for a long time. The end of the Cold War, that destroyed the local aerospace economy, was the death of LA. The Silicon Valley experience almost brought it back, but that's gone now too at the end of the dot com boom. It's destined to be another Rio De Janeiro, with too many slums, and a very modern high tech brand new city off to the side somewhere.

Northern California proposed a separatist split from South California. I'm still wondering why they didn't do it. There are also proposals to split California into three to eight states. The latest proposal is to split the rural central and east away from the coast. It might make it onto the California ballot in 2012. I'll believe it when it happens. Splitting California into more states has been a subject out there for a hundred years.

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'Don't like the blue store? You want to go to the red store? Fine, I own both of them.' The party's were created to give us something to argue about. We need that. The most we can do is go into a voting booth and try to bat the ball the other way if it gets too far toward one side. It's all one piece. Peace.:bitchfight:

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Will Rogers said it best.

"We have the best politicians money can buy"

Bad policy is bad policy.

Arguing over Democrat vs Republican is a little childish.

Typically this is the crux of the argument -

Liberal = Socialistic.

Conservative = Capitalistic.

Socialism hasn't worked anywhere in the world it's been tried.

Communism hasn't worked anywhere in the world it's been tried.

Monarchy has worked some places it's been tried.

Tyranny works everywhere it's been tried.

Lets go with what works shall we?

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I didn't read the rest of this thread but are you serious? california has been broke since 2000 or so.

they couldn't even pay enron to keep the power on. do you remember all the rolling black outs?

do you guys just pay attention to fox news and rush limbaugh or something?

you guys better remember this quote from abraham lincoln

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

because the right these days is nothing but fools. putting their feet in their mouths trying to be witty every single day.

fox news is owned by a the largest republican campain contributor in the country. and you really expect to get "biased" or "factual" news from them?

god you guys are morons.

everything t you righties have been spewing in the last few months can be debunked with one 2 min search using google. but why would you guys research anything for truth...

and all this crap about socialism is getting rather old. it doesn't apply but only in your minds.

a famous republican Abraham Lincoln said in a speech once,

it's the role of a government to help and provide for those who otherwise cannot help themselves. (sounds like your idea of socialism doesn't it?)

this isn't a direct word for word as I cannot quite remember it that way. but I've seen and heard it a bunch of times before.

so is your own party of republicans socialist or is Abraham lincoln a socialist now?

you guys really do sound pretty ignorant ranting about it.

Edited by serpentracer
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I didn't read the rest of this thread but are you serious? california has been broke since 2000 or so.

they couldn't even pay enron to keep the power on. do you remember all the rolling black outs?

do you guys just pay attention to fox news and rush limbaugh or something?

you guys better remember this quote from abraham lincoln

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

because the right these days is nothing but fools. putting their feet in their mouths trying to be witty every single day.

fox news is owned by a the largest republican campain contributor in the country. and you really expect to get "biased" or "factual" news from them?

god you guys are morons.

everything t you righties have been spewing in the last few months can be debunked with one 2 min search using google. but why would you guys research anything for truth...

Mmmmmm yummmy Kool-Aid.:drink:

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I didn't read the rest of this thread but are you serious? california has been broke since 2000 or so.

they couldn't even pay enron to keep the power on. do you remember all the rolling black outs?

do you guys just pay attention to fox news and rush limbaugh or something?

you guys better remember this quote from abraham lincoln

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

because the right these days is nothing but fools. putting their feet in their mouths trying to be witty every single day.

fox news is owned by a the largest republican campain contributor in the country. and you really expect to get "biased" or "factual" news from them?

god you guys are morons.

everything t you righties have been spewing in the last few months can be debunked with one 2 min search using google. but why would you guys research anything for truth...

and all this crap about socialism is getting rather old. it doesn't apply but only in your minds.

a famous republican Abraham Lincoln said in a speech once,

it's the role of a government to help and provide for those who otherwise cannot help themselves. (sounds like your idea of socialism doesn't it?)

this isn't a direct word for word as I cannot quite remember it that way. but I've seen and heard it a bunch of times before.

so is your own party of republicans socialist or is Abraham lincoln a socialist now?

you guys really do sound pretty ignorant ranting about it.

Uh, captain obvious here, but California has been governed by liberals, moderates and idiots (three interchangeable terms) for a long time. That state's slide into financial decay isn't new or shocking to any conservative, in fact it's quite predictable.

High taxes, rampant government spending, and irresponsible accounting are the hallmarks of big bad government, be it Republican or Democrat. Conservatives, however, are not Republicans. Republicans are supposed to be conservatives, but sometimes fail to be.

Your Lincoln/Republican retort is infantile. Democrats largely fought the civil rights act, so are the present day Democrats racists? Lincoln was not by any definition a modern conservative, and he also imprisoned tens of thousands of people without trial, shut down presses, suspended habeus corpus. He believed in federal power that Bush could never dream of exercising. Choose a better example next time, no conservative claims him as a mantle of their principles.

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