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No carrying concealed in Kroger?


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Saw a post on XDTalk this morning that said Kroger no longer allows concealed carry in their stores.

The scan of the letter below looks like it's for the Cincinnati region - I don't know whether the rest of their stores/regions follow the same policy or not. I know someone's wife (sorry, I forget who) works at the Kroger out in Pickerington, maybe she could ask her manager?

Anybody know more about this? Please post up facts, not conjecture. It's a felony to carry where the merchant doesn't want you to, and has posted a placard/sticker saying so. I haven't noticed any no-carry stickers at Kroger lately, but I'll be sure to check.

If this is so, I'm going to The Big Bird (Giant Eagle) to shop - I think their gas kickback scheme is better anyhow.

See a copy of a letter sent to a fellow who was kicked out for carrying. (click)

Contact Kroger here and let them know what you think. (click)

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It's just the Cinci area Krogers as of right now. There are many people emailing Kroger about their policy, so much that their servers are being over loaded. This was done a few years ago and got them to change policy. OFCC.com is currently working the issue.

The Kroger here in Pataskala is not posted and I commonly openly carry and carry concealed. If there isn't a sign posted, I go ahead and carry. The most they can do is ask me to leave.

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there are a bunch of kroger up here that have state liquor stores in them. im not sure if that means you cant go into kroger at all, or just cant go into the liquor store section?

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there are a bunch of kroger up here that have state liquor stores in them. im not sure if that means you cant go into kroger at all, or just cant go into the liquor store section?

Very interesting question, since the Kroger here is working on getting a liquor license.

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there are a bunch of kroger up here that have state liquor stores in them. im not sure if that means you cant go into kroger at all, or just cant go into the liquor store section?

Yeah, those signs are normal. I just stay out of that section and beware of wine tastings. If they are tasting you need to leave and disarm. My understanding is if you have a CHL, that sign doesn't apply to you .Like I said, I carry open or concealed all the time in Kroger. Never had an issue but I stay out of the alcohol isle.


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Retail establishments selling liquor are not enumerated CPZ, including if they are doing a "tasting" (similar to samples at a grocery store) but you still can't drink.

If the Kroger has a restaurant in it that serves liquor and there isn't a separation between the restaurant and the grocery store I suppose that's enumerated... but the law is so vague it's hard to tell.

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From OFCC:

"Licensed D-Liquor Permit premises in which any person is consuming liquor. Concealed firearms are banned in premises for which a D permit has been issued or in an open air arena for which a permit of that nature has been issued. There are some exceptions to this prohibition. The prohibition does not apply to principal holder of D permit as long as principal holder is not consuming liquor. The prohibition does not apply to an agent or employee of the principal holder who is also a peace officer who is also off duty. Possession of a concealed firearm is allowed in a retail store with a D-6 or D-8 permit as long as concealed carry license holder is not consuming liquor. Class D permits are generally issued to an establishment that sells alcohol for consumption on the premises. In any event, be certain of the type of permit and whether liquor is being consumed before you enter with a concealed handgun."

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Any time I see a sign not allowing me to carry in a place of business I ask for the manager. I explain he's taking guns out of law abiding citizens hands and the bad guys still come in armed. I also explain that I will not patronize his establishment and I am adding his establishemnt to the Do Not Patronize List. It actually worked once. A Donato's Pizza store manager removed the sign.

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Any time I see a sign not allowing me to carry in a place of business I ask for the manager. I explain he's taking guns out of law abiding citizens hands and the bad guys still come in armed. I also explain that I will not patronize his establishment and I am adding his establishemnt to the Do Not Patronize List. It actually worked once. A Donato's Pizza store manager removed the sign.

I like it! :D

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Any time I see a sign not allowing me to carry in a place of business I ask for the manager. I explain he's taking guns out of law abiding citizens hands and the bad guys still come in armed. I also explain that I will not patronize his establishment and I am adding his establishemnt to the Do Not Patronize List. It actually worked once. A Donato's Pizza store manager removed the sign.

I have "No guns, No money" bussiness cards I hand them. also an owners letter from OFCC.org explaining why its a bad idea.

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My wife and I both carry everywhere allowed. In the past 4 years we have convinced 6 places to remove their signs by having an educated conversation with the managers or owners. Many of them never think about it the way we do until you help them. Just be very polite and informative and most will listen. The ones that don't,,don't care and no longer require my support.

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