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Latest rumor about LeBron...


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Its not a dick move - its what "sports" (actually games) have become over the last 15 years. Its the "ME" generation that's playing now. As long as "I" get what I want, fuck the fans and the owners that pay my salary.

Virtually EVERY stick and ball sport has more than their fair share of "superstars" that think they're bigger than the game. What they dont realize is there will always be someone bigger, faster, stronger, better and the game itself will most likely outlast them.

They can all go suck a dick for all I care.

i completely understand im just saying this is what will be perceved and it will make shit way worse.

i really dont like any other sports other than soccer. it seems pretty lacking of all the drama and hype. :cool:

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He's not staying....I just want to see all of the Cavs fans line up downtown or better yet in front of his home and hold a #23 jersey burning vigil until he leaves town for good.

I think the whole town will be on fire if he leaves. Cleveland's gonna look like Mad Max at Thunderdome tonight

Who cares?

"Professional" sports are a complete joke anymore. Just a bunch of spoiled jackasses whining about how they only made [random number] million this year. It's a shame people don't stand up against this bullshit and quit paying the horrendously absurd ticket prices, which only keep getting higher to pay the ridiculous salaries for these egotistical assholes.

The players REALLY DON'T care about their fans...why should you care about them?!

I mostly agree with this statement. Haven't been to a pro baseball game in almost 10 years.... Prefer seein' the Mud Hens, never to a pro hoops game, & only a couple NFL games.... And many of you know how big a Steeler's fan I am

Had an epiphany when I was bustin' my ass on the railroad one New Year's Eve, when they'd called me in to start work at midnight & I was hating my life. Why do we pay these spoiled brats to play a children's game, while many of us toil in jobs we hate?? I've never felt the same about professional sports since.... Totally took away my enthusiasm, except for a few special instances

Either of these options puts him in a major market with ridiculous amounts of exposure and in a better position to win a championship while raking in even more in endorsement deals. Cleveland doesn't fit into this picture at all.

^ ^ This.... Is a lot of what I've been hearin', for the last couple months especially. I think he's convinced/been convinced, by Nike & whoever gives him counsel, that the only way he's going to increase his $$ off the court & globally.... Is to win a championship & be in a bigger team market. He's in the elite club of actually making more off the court, than he does on it, which is why he'd be willing to take less from a bigger market team who may also have to foot the bill for a Wade or Bosh, if it means it'll increase his off court earnings. ESPN even did a thing a couple weeks ago, about how Kobe is at least twice as big as LeBron in China & the rest of the world, because internationally, they only care about champions, whereas here in the States, most people at least give him credit for being the next Kobe & the one who's closest to being a viable threat to Kobe

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Yeah. There's NO drama in soccer.

What was all the hulabaloo about that Beckham fella a few years back?

i was gonna say that he was the exception but i didnt figure you followed enough to know what i was talking about :lol:

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i completely understand im just saying this is what will be perceved and it will make shit way worse.

i really dont like any other sports other than soccer. it seems pretty lacking of all the drama and hype. :cool:

Yeah, 'cause there wasn't any drama with the World Cup with blind refs, missed calls, phantom penalties, and sand bagging players laying on the ground and dogging it to burn up the clock. For what infinitesimal interest I had in watching the American team this year, it was greatly overshadowed by the sport's self-indulgent drama. It was as if LeBron himself was the commissioner of FIFA.

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i was gonna say that he was the exception but i didnt figure you followed enough to know what i was talking about :lol:

Ummm..... Yeeeaahh Bry.... About that

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't there been multiple riots & deaths at soccer matches in the last decade??

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:rollseyes: in between games they play up all the little things and blow it all out of proprotion. (just like the media always does) and the flops, missed calls, and sand bagging are just part of the game plain and simple.

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Ummm..... Yeeeaahh Bry.... About that

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't there been multiple riots & deaths at soccer matches in the last decade??

not by the players?

honestly how many time do you see complete prime time hour dedicated to a soccer player letting the whole world know where he is going to play?

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not by the players?

honestly how many time do you see complete prime time hour dedicated to a soccer player letting the whole world know where he is going to play?

No... This was by the fans in the stands. I seem to remember fans being crushed against the fencing & dying

Again... LeBron's international fame is nowhere near his U.S stature. Not sure the rest of the world is talking about this as much as us Yanks

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As Gray's talking to him right now, mentioning Obama trying to get him in Chicago, I'm reminded of.....

Anybody else remember the HUGE stink when he "bought" the Hummer & OHSSA reprimanding him?? :lol:

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the huge witness banner has 2 armed gaurds sitting in front of it. son of a bitch i wanted that

haha he will not be living in akron anymore. nobody will let him live it down

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the huge witness banner has 2 armed gaurds sitting in front of it. son of a bitch i wanted that

haha he will not be living in akron anymore. nobody will let him live it down

I give it a year or two and they will forget it even happened..

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