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So ya... I have been getting pretty chubby. This sucks! I need to get back to work... and working out... and not eating out... Anyone else in this boat? I need to find that "magic pill" too... ya thats it... a Magic Pill...


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i hear ya, its why I just started p90x. Although my damn schedule doesn't fit into doing it every single day, I at least have been eating way better and way less and getting in as many of the workouts as possible

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i hear ya, its why I just started p90x. Although my damn schedule doesn't fit into doing it every single day, I at least have been eating way better and way less and getting in as many of the workouts as possible

My wife and I were doing P90x but those workouts are so long we were having a hard time doing it nightly after work and still trying to get time to eat and relax...

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Eat until you are not hungry, not until you are full. I told this to my mother in law and she has lost a lot of weight.

My wife says the same thing... But I love food so much... If it is in front of me, I eat it.

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I need to start taking snacks to work. I don't eat all day and then chow from the minute I get home. Wife gets tired of walking back and forth to the kitchen, making me sandwiches.

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Eat breakfast, eat lunch, skip dinner, or light dinner. That's assuming it's a day job...

Try to eat nothing late at night, if hungry, popcorn or fruit or something good for you...

I know that doesn't play well, but it works.

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Eat breakfast, eat lunch, skip dinner, or light dinner. That's assuming it's a day job...

Try to eat nothing late at night, if hungry, popcorn or fruit or something good for you...

I know that doesn't play well, but it works.

The "textbook" answer is to NOT skip meals, but actually increase you eating.

Small healthy snacks between meals keeps the metabolism working which in turn burns calories.

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The "textbook" answer is to NOT skip meals' date=' but actually increase you eating.

[b']Small healthy snacks between meals keeps the metabolism working which in turn burns calories.

This is true... as long as it is the bolded section...

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lol I just got back from a 2 mile run and work out and this is the first thing I saw when I got on. I am so out of shape and I am trying to get back into a work out regiment. It is tough because I am always so tired from all of my other responsibilities.

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It is tough because I am always so tired from all of my other responsibilities.

agreed....to me this is the absolute hardest part. I can eat healthier and less with little issue but having the energy to workout like I should is a different story some days

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This is one of the best supplements out there for losing weight without exercising. Take it after every meal.


There may be a couple of side effects, like tooth erosion, but that's actually a positive since you don't want or need the calories anyway.

Other people I've talked to swear by this stuff too.


I've never tried it yet, but am considering it.

Exercising and eating right are for people that actually care to be healthy - that's too hard. I just want to look good.

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Weight loss is common sense... Burn more than you consume. I lost over 100 pounds so I know a little about what I talk. There are no magic pills or easy answers. You must change your diet and exercise. You need to burn roughly 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat. I just got home from a 52 mile bicycle ride where we averaged 22mph. I burned around 1,500 calories. Thats a lot of work for less than half a pound weight loss but exercise builds muscle and muscle burns calories.....all the time.

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I'm calling BS on the eating smaller meals more often... theoretically, yeah its great, boosts your metabolism, blah blah blah, but my gosh it makes me REALLY hungry, and god forbid i actually miss one of those small meals, my stomach goes crazy! I'll keep with my bagel and coffee for lunch and big dinner routine. :p

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... But I love food so much... If it is in front of me, I eat it.

I need a pill that dulls my tastebuds so I have no incentive to eat anymore other than for fuel

One of you fart smuckers on here, invent that for me please

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I just lost 15lbs in 3 weeks from running my ass off. I do 45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym at 85-90% of my heart rate. The whole time I'm on the machine I keep my heart rate between 155-165. It's a killer, and after a bit it becomes a mental challenge to keep pushing that hard, but it sheds the pounds like no other. I walk out looking like I took a shower in my clothes. Not dieting either because it really took down my appetite. I'm having a blast watching it fade away. I do it 4x a week, spread out. Oh, I quit drinking alcohol for the past 5 weeks now too and don't plan to start again either.


Example of formula:

206.9 - (0.67 x 23 (age)) = 191

191 - 65 (resting heart rate) = 126

126 * 65% (low end of heart rate zone) OR 85% (high end) = 82 OR 107

82 + 65 (resting heart rate) = 147

107 + 65 (rhr) = 172

The target heart rate zone for this person would be 147 to 172

That's what works for me. My body reacts fast to any workout. I've got the shit ran out of me my whole life and then I got married and kept accumulating weight each year and I finally got sick of it last month when my foot got better and I joined a gym again. I've always went to a gym...until I got married. :lol:

Edited by NinjaNick
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