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Fatality on SR661, rider & passenger down.


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Sport bike, neither wearing lids, brake-checked/swerved to miss a car turning into a driveway, wrecked. Female passenger died, rider error it looks like on this one. Happened just up my road, saw the cleanup crews after it happened.

Wear your fucking lids people, especially your pillions. Don't end up like this guy carrying around someone's death for the rest of your life.


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I doubt it. Sounds like rider error to me (i.e. following too close/fast). I wouldn't be surprised if the cager didn't signal though...tends to be a common thing, but one should be ready and aware anyway. Either way, still a shame. :(

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Keep in mind that the driver of the car was a novice driver, 16 years old. They make mistakes, as did I when I was that young... I'm not sure exactly where on 661 this occurred, but there are some "peaky" hills on that road, all the way to 62. I know the road pretty well, and I don't like to ride the bike on it at all.

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I looked today when I passed, no skid marks or signs of it...if he got on the brakes there was no slide, apparently went across the road right into the ditch.

There is a slight hill crest where the driveway was, and the driver may well have been stopped, but that's still 100% rider error - if you're going so fast or following so close as to let this happen, you've fucked up...and the same goes for blind hills, if you're getting into a blind road with too much engine to negate the 2 second rule, you're gambling. I was going slow through there but even in the cage I had fairly good forward vision I think a stopped car would have been visible with time to stop or miss it. I'm guessing the rider was either into it too fast or wasn't paying attention.

Don't know any details of the kid driving either, could have just been really slow turning in, stopped, who knows.

Anyway, sad for everyone involved.

jporter, it's about 1 mile north of Granville in the 2500 section, black mailbox on the west side was the driveway.

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:nono: RIP to the passenger, hope the guys pulls through okay. Hopefully the investigations shows what really happened- biker or cager error.

Even if she was stopped dead in the road, that's not an at-fault situation. About all she could have done wrong is back up, or go into the wrong lane to turn as he went right to avoid her. Can't say stopping in the road is wise, but it's still up to following traffic to keep assured clear distance or stop before stopped traffic.

I do think it's weird there was no skid mark, debris slide or anything. Makes me wonder if he veered right to miss her and didn't correct or target-fixated on the ditch and went in. That I could see happening very easily.

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Even if she was stopped dead in the road, that's not an at-fault situation. About all she could have done wrong is back up, or go into the wrong lane to turn as he went right to avoid her. Can't say stopping in the road is wise, but it's still up to following traffic to keep assured clear distance or stop before stopped traffic.

I do think it's weird there was no skid mark, debris slide or anything. Makes me wonder if he veered right to miss her and didn't correct or target-fixated on the ditch and went in. That I could see happening very easily.

I didn't think of the target fixation... Veering to the right, seeing the ditch at your side, panic and rid straight into it... Man, that is scary.

I have proven the target fixation to myself several times. Pick a line in the road that is still safe, but get it in your mind that you don't want to go there. Watch this spot as you try to avoid it and see what happens. Even if prepared for it, you will go toward it. It takes some serious concentration to avoid the forces.

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I didn't think of the target fixation... Veering to the right, seeing the ditch at your side, panic and rid straight into it... Man, that is scary.

I have proven the target fixation to myself several times. Pick a line in the road that is still safe, but get it in your mind that you don't want to go there. Watch this spot as you try to avoid it and see what happens. Even if prepared for it, you will go toward it. It takes some serious concentration to avoid the forces.

Oh for sure, one thing I like about riding dirt and trails is it forces you to overcome target fixation....or else your offroad riding comes to a predictable and quick end. You have to choose lines every inch of the way, but after a while it gets to be subconcious. At first you're like "Oh look, that big rock up there, I should avoid that....there's that rock....rock...rock...OH SHIT I HIT THAT FUCKING ROCK!!".

The problem with street riding is you can get away with it for so long, but a bad situation can bring out bad instincts right now. I suggest to new riders to ride dirt for a while before getting on the street, it teaches you so many things, and it's fun as hell and hurts a lot less. Sadly, not many people do it.

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Read in the article's comments from an eyewitness that the girl was in the right hand lane waiting on oncoming traffic to turn into the driveway, the bike came over the hill and he braked and went into the ditch on the right. Definitely not the girl in the car's fault.

I really didn't think visibility at that driveway from the direction the bike was coming looked bad, but I also don't know the bike's speed or other details to do anything but guess at this point.

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At this point there is no who was right or wrong. Sadly no lids and possible high speeds cost a life. Just pray for there families and yours as well that we may never have to see this sitiuation at home!!

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At this point there is no who was right or wrong. Sadly no lids and possible high speeds cost a life. Just pray for there families and yours as well that we may never have to see this sitiuation at home!!

Correct. No right or worng, nothing is going to bring back a lost life.

However, I like to take an awful occurance such as this to bring a positive, and hope that someone learns something, whether it be to ATGATT, or someone is more aware the next time they ride.

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However, I like to take an awful occurance such as this to bring a positive, and hope that someone learns something, whether it be to ATGATT, or someone is more aware the next time they ride.

This. If you chalk everything up to shit happens, it's denying that better skills or behavior could prevent this kind of thing. I care about my fellow riders, if someone gets shook into thinking or acting differently by looking at an accident or scenario, then it's worth talking about.

Doesn't mean you don't have compassion for those affected.

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This. If you chalk everything up to shit happens, it's denying that better skills or behavior could prevent this kind of thing. I care about my fellow riders, if someone gets shook into thinking or acting differently by looking at an accident or scenario, then it's worth talking about.

Doesn't mean you don't have compassion for those affected.

Unfortunately, posting in the comments section of the link in the OP, people don't see it this way!!!

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Unfortunately, posting in the comments section of the link in the OP, people don't see it this way!!!

I'm fascinated that when people know the deceased or affected, they're inclined to read the comments section and get offended at anyone's second guessing or anything they deem offensive to their loved ones or friends.

When I lost a friend a couple years ago to an accident, it didn't even occur to me to go read the article about him and bristle at everything. I had better stuff to do.

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I'm fascinated that when people know the deceased or affected, they're inclined to read the comments section and get offended at anyone's second guessing or anything they deem offensive to their loved ones or friends.

When I lost a friend a couple years ago to an accident, it didn't even occur to me to go read the article about him and bristle at everything. I had better stuff to do.

Just look at the title of the newspaper, just the first part, actually... Newark. That is all...

(I am from there, and even I can see the light!)

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