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What is the best way to heat a garage?


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You could lite the garage on fire, it'd stay pretty warm while it burned but eventually it'd get unbearable unless you had a way to control the fire. You could probably put a sprinkler in there to help stop spread, make it burn slower, that would give you more working time before you were out of heat.

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Well Maybe on the front side but kersene is dangerous and does not help resale. Thats all I'm saying......$$$$ might not be as bad as you think.

As I research modern kerosene heaters with the safety features, they are not dangerous (as long as you do not have a attention needing redneck saying "Hay y'all, watch this"). Statistics show a wood burning fireplace is much more likely to cause an accident.

Anything costing more the $100 is bad, I am not too smart because I would rather invest in a money hole like my motorcycle than an equity building house.


Oh, that idea about the carpet is a good one, not that I would carpet the whole garage, but have a section to work off of. That idea is how I like my woman. Cheap and simple. :p

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You would rather put $$$in a bike than a house? ok

I wasn't talk wood burner ......I put a gas "wall hung fireplace " so I can take it down in summer. You can them at home depot for 100$$ or so .This is infact the safest way to heat a garage space w/ gas of any kind "it doesn't need a flu pipe either. Just trying to help.This is the cheap way out.

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You would rather put $$$in a bike than a house? ok

I wasn't talk wood burner ......I put a gas "wall hung fireplace " so I can take it down in summer. You can them at home depot for 100$$ or so .This is infact the safest way to heat a garage space w/ gas of any kind "it doesn't need a flu pipe either. Just trying to help.This is the cheap way out.

Actually those wall mount units work damn good...

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Does it have electric in this detached garage?

Valid point.. if you have electric which Im sure you do, just go and buy an oscillating heater.. should keep you plenty warm for the little time you will spend out there. Not to mention you will be much warmer working on the bike anyway.

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Valid point.. if you have electric which Im sure you do, just go and buy an oscillating heater.. should keep you plenty warm for the little time you will spend out there. Not to mention you will be much warmer working on the bike anyway.

Yes, it has electricity..... thank the gods for that... it would be expensive to hire some one to open and close the garage door when I leave and come home.

So an electric heater will work as well as a kerosene? When I went to Lowe's, the electric ones were better priced.

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Moved into a 3 bed house with a detached 2.5 garage last week. Need to do a lot of work on my bike but my foots-ies get cold. What's a good way to heat it with out spending a fortune and burning it to the ground?



(yes, I said foots-ies)

I wouldn't know I already burned one to the ground along with the house.

Keroscene heater and working with Fuel and Fumes ignited

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Take a trip to your local wally world and check out there electric "safe heaters" for about 15 bucks a piece... buy two and stick one on either wall..

turn them on an hour before you plan to work and your golden... they dont get red hot like a standard and they have settings for the fan and they also have a thermostat.. since they dont get red hot they cant ignite fumes or are less likely to and they are cheeeep. but the best is the radiator style oil filled heaters. Three settings and a thermostat w a freeze protection setting on it. It will keep you garage above 35 or so degrees so your shit dont freeze and its easier to warm up the garage from 35 than from 20 degrees.. Those run between forty and sixty bucks. I have one of each and they keep my 3200 sq ft house above sixty five through the winter w no gas on... stay warm..

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