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Personally I couldn't give a fuck what you are. I know this forum is all about fun but even so I would not degrade myself to religious and ethical slurs to get a point across. Mom raised me better than that. To bad yours didn't.

I just noticed your Avatar comment......"You show me hatred and I'll show you fear" .... Thats funny coming from someone who uses slurs like you.

I am sure you, being the saint you are, have never used the term "retard" before or "gay". Both terms being slurs for a mental condition and a sexual gender choice. However the word Jew isnt not a slur, its an actual name of a religion. I indicated MattKockz tried to *insert so called racial slur here* me down on a price, which would inicate that the religion or persons of the religion are cheap and dont want to pay whats asked, which has been a world over joke for the past decade. So if you honestly cant stand my racial slurs or racial slurs in general than this site probably isnt for you and I would suggest another site, maybe even not watching television or seeing any type of comedian in your entire life.

On a side note, my Mother raised me just fine but guys like you she would probably knock your teeth out and call you a sissy girl

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I know I am a dick, no suprise to me. Dude gets bent out of shape awfully too quick for me not to pass up the opportunity to fuck with someone to pass time at work.

* Disclaimer*

I took this image from a movie, there is no racial intentions behind this. If you've seen the movie then you will get it.

Im takin it back


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if i got free candy for all the times someone told me "hey, you... you totally chinked that test, son! wut wut!", even the bitches would know about my diabeetus.

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I find "someone getting jewed down" just as offensive as someone saying "I couldn't get that installed so I nigerrigged it"

Casper's whole comment about "prejudice is ok but not racism, I don't care if you worship dog shit" blah blah blah. I don't think it makes a whole ton of sense, but it means it's fair game to make fun of someone for anything other than their race....

"Wow, you got burned like a tall red headed pale dude" is ok I guess.

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did you just threaten a raping?

Annoying the mods/admins - 1pts (you're annoying ;) me)

Excessive Leg Humping / Sexism - 3pts (only bc I haven't witnessed you giving this choice to any guys :p)

Threats of Violence - 6pts


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