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likwid said nigerrigged

What's funny is, I said "jerryrigged" all the time, and someone asked me "How the hell do you get away with that around your wife?"

I had no idea what they were talking about... apparantly that term came form WWII as a slur against germans....

*shrug* damn jerries

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It is "jury-rigged".

Main Entry: jer·ry–rigged

Pronunciation: \ˈjer-ē-ˌrigd\

Function: adjective

Etymology: probably blend of jerry-built and jury-rigged

Date: 1959

: organized or constructed in a crude or improvised manner <a jerry–rigged plan>


1869, Eng. dial. jerry "bad, defective," a pejorative use of the male nickname Jerry (a popular form of Jeremy), or from naut. slang jury "temporary," which came to be used of all sorts of makeshift and inferior objects (see jury (adj.)).

However, we should not confuse "jerry-built" with "jury rigged". While they sound similar, their meanings are DIFFERENT.


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get back to making those killer sammiches you claim to, I'm sure Matt's hungry after a strenuous day at work, I hear its real back breaking work :lol:
yeah no kidding... My man gets more than sammies... :D
Yah seriously, you should see what she does when I get home ;)


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thats what she was sayin.. Duh!

Oh, my bad, I'm tired and I've been drinking :p

you're such a penis

You'd like to suck my penis wouldn't you :bj:, I bet you suck-it-long-time :lol:

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