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Sunglasses Round 2


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Well since it was asked....

I received an email tonight from the company I have been getting the Oakley's from stating they got word I was "reselling" the glasses and they would no longer offer the discounted prices. I have a real good idea who sent the message or made the call that ended the discounts. I just want to make this very clear, I made no profit off the glasses what-so-ever. The price I was quoted was the price that was offered. The only thing I asked was that everyone who placed an order paid $6 for shipping. I was offering it to help out other people from OR that were interested. But obviously someone was pissed because I was possibly taking away potential business from someone else. Anyway, I figure Karma is a mother fucker and they will get theirs in the end.

Sorry to those of you that were interested and are now unable to get what they wanted. I'm sure everyone can figure out who the person was that ended it by reading back through the thread.

Uh, you are implying I did it and that's not the case, dude. I have no vested interest and the idea I was pushing was to let the people on here know that the profit margins are the same and thus, your changing discounts wasn't really a deal that made sense. It was protecting the friends on here that were asking like Dude and others. Ask Dude - I don't work in a shop. I haven't worked in a shop since 1999...

Also, you essentially pointed out the truth where you were buying from a distributor. In doing so, you were under their decisions to supply you with glasses. So, you pretty much pointed out to me at least that you were just the middle man. I don't care. I just wanted people to ask questions and make sure you were legit.

But, realize that there are a shit load of shops that sponsor this site and if they sell the glasses, it could have been them. Watch who you blame, friend. I was looking out for folks. Not blowing a whistle. If I was blowing whistles, I wouldn't have even posted, true?

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Wow. Brian if you called and bitched, and ducked everyone

on here, then mynfriend you are a real piece of work. More along the lines of an asshat/jackoff. At this point all signs point to you.

You know me, man. I ask questions that are prying and to bring up shit to make people prove things. I never called anyone, never sent a "notice" to anyone at all. Meanie got it down on himself. This is a site that is supported by dealers. Put two and two together...

There are at least 3-4 dealers on here that sell the glasses... I was making sure this guy wasn't buying and then reselling the things. What happens is that he essentially proved he had no idea what margins were and he was getting them from a dealer. That dealer was extending a % discount to him based on what he bought. I go and try to help and get immediately lumped into the pool as the guy that called Oakley and complained.

I will say this - I know what dealer cost is as I used to work in a shop and well, being in the industry, I wear them and know. But, I also know if you are military and police, you can get BETTER discounts if you go direct on your own or through your military base, group or police division. Oakley sells direct or via those places to you all that are under that classification. You can also get them even if you are retired.

As for non military and police (civilians), you need to make friends with a dealer or Meanie off line.

I think if you look at three pages here and numerous pages before, it looks pretty much like he's been selling a lot of glasses to a lot of people and that is going to piss off a guy that has thousands of dollars in inventory and who is following the rules. Oakley is very protective of the way they sell their stuff and how dealers sell their stuff. When I was with Fox, we were the same way... I had dealers calling me over guys selling on Ebay when they weren't even dealers. I never knew as I never checked, but they'd let me know as soon as it was posted. I even had to call a sponsor on here that wasn't an official Fox dealer as he had the logo posted on his website... It was posted when you clicked the link, but I never checked. A dealer did and let me know asap...

Relax guys, wasn't me.

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Most everyone on this board that responded to Kieth knows him personally. I don't want to speak for everyone, but I don't need a stranger to keep an eye on my friend and don't get be surprised when people get pissed at you for questioning his integrity.

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Most everyone on this board that responded to Kieth knows him personally. I don't want to speak for everyone, but I don't need a stranger to keep an eye on my friend and don't get be surprised when people get pissed at you for questioning his integrity.

Understood, but not everyone knew him... I didn't. I will accept people pissed at me for questioning him. However, I am pissed , too.

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... I was making sure this guy wasn't buying and then reselling the things. What happens is that he essentially proved he had no idea what margins were and he was getting them from a dealer. That dealer was extending a % discount to him based on what he bought. I go and try to help and get immediately lumped into the pool as the guy that called Oakley and complained.

Removing my Mod hat.....

Why do you care so much about proving if he knew what the "margins" were? As long as they were authentic Oakleys, not "hot", & everyone involved felt like they were getting a good deal.... Who cares who he was getting them from & why are you sooo intent on sticking your nose in here & proving his knowledge base. How were you "protecting" the members on here, when they all obviously felt like they were getting a good deal, regardless of what the margins/discounts were, & now that deal's been ruined, in part by you making such a fuss?

I asked you the same questions 2 years ago Brian when you shit all over that kid's thread selling his bike parts, in the name of "educating" everybody on what legitimate prices were for aftermarket parts in the resale market

Anytime there's a track thread or conversation about something you sell.... You always have to puff out your chest & feathers & show you're "the expert". Wouldn't be a problem if it was perceived as being helpful, but a lot of people on here are rubbed the wrong way by it, & feel it's just you always needing to show off. As I learned in sales many moon ago.... Perception is reality.

I'd even go so far as to say it's the overiding theme of most of your posts on here. It doesn't seem like you're here for general conversation, looking for people to ride with, or joking around.... Just to preach to us & "tell" us what you "know"

You obviously know your stuff Brian..... For me & others I know, it's your delivery that's hard to palate

And FTR again... This is me speaking personally.... Not as any representative of the board

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Removing my Mod hat.....

Why do you care so much about proving if he knew what the "margins" were? As long as they were authentic Oakleys, not "hot", & everyone involved felt like they were getting a good deal.... Who cares who he was getting them from & why are you sooo intent on sticking your nose in here & proving his knowledge base. How were you "protecting" the members on here, when they all obviously felt like they were getting a good deal, regardless of what the margins/discounts were, & now that deal's been ruined, in part by you making such a fuss?

I asked you the same questions 2 years ago Brian when you shit all over that kid's thread selling his bike parts, in the name of "educating" everybody on what legitimate prices were for aftermarket parts in the resale market

Anytime there's a track thread or conversation about something you sell.... You always have to puff out your chest & feathers & show you're "the expert". Wouldn't be a problem if it was perceived as being helpful, but a lot of people on here are rubbed the wrong way by it, & feel it's just you always needing to show off. As I learned in sales many moon ago.... Perception is reality.

I'd even go so far as to say it's the overriding theme of most of your posts on here. It doesn't seem like you're here for general conversation, looking for people to ride with, or joking around.... Just to preach to us & "tell" us what you "know"

You obviously know your stuff Brian..... For me & others I know, it's your delivery that's hard to palate

And FTR again... This is me speaking personally.... Not as any representative of the board

Ok, to remove my typical hat...;)

You're right. It is my nature and why I am pointing out that it is just me doing what i do online. If you recall the thread you speak of, I didn't call anyone or blow any whistles...

Ask Monte at STT. He says that on numerous occasions, he wants to put boxing gloves on me. Not to fight, but to prevent me from typing responses... I have tried over the years to not get involved. It's like the Mid-Ohio 28/29 thread. I just posted a response to a guy stating he was going to be there as a "coach"... I did that because I don't like him and feel he doesn't ride well enough to be teaching people what to do...

I antagonize and sometimes, that blows up in my face... I was doing that here. I know the margins and I know he was selling legit product. But, I DO this because in my mind, i want people to realize just what they should expect and understand. If people knew the dealer cost was a set % and didn't change from style to style, maybe they'd question why it was cheaper for this style vs. the next. Why not get the same % off on every style? Looking out - maybe a twisted way to view it in my mind, but I was thinking i was looking out.

Then, it is also a two way street. His response egged me to pry even further. I then try and puff my chest out only if i get a harsh response. Telling me to shut the fuck up doesn't help...:)

Look, sorry and I honestly have gotten better through the years. I think I might need to take Flounder and Born's suggestions and step away from the keyboard and only chime in when I need to...

I also like to make people prove themselves. It's a bizarre thing I do. But, I will always attest that if you meet me in person, I'm not near as much of a dick as online... Still a dick, but just not as much as on here...;)

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