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New ZX10 announced today


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The problem is that you really need them to ride each others bikes. In other words, running two different guys on their own bikes isn't a good test of how well they are really going to do.

To keep it totally fair, you need a person to ride both bikes, allow that person to find an optimal setting to fit their usage and then compare lap times.

OR, you could literally let Dub ride his own 600 (which should have his prefered settings and he will be used to) and then allow him to ride the ZX10 and make changes. And vice, versa for Kaw guy.

It's not going to be any real proof if they run against each other. Someone may have lesser ability, someone may not feel right vs the other, etc. The use of one guy running both bikes is going to net the end result you all are looking for - not a challenge race like being set up...

I was going to say what redkow said below in his #2.

I agree with Brian, but I don't even think letting the riders change bikes is really a fair way to evaluate which bike is better.

1) I promise I'm going to be faster on my bike, because i've got x,xxx track miles on it. Some things are just second-nature to me now.

2) If my goal is to prove that your bike is slower, why would I push on your bike?

Now if the goal is just to prove who the better rider is, than it's more plausible that trading bikes matters. If i turn a faster lap than you can on YOUR bike, I think that probably makes me the better rider, but the debate started with negative comments about the ZX10's handling.

I think a challenge is a challenge. Kawaskiguy and dubguy shouldn't switch bikes because that's not the challenge. Race your bike and the winner is the winner. :):cheers:

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I agree with Brian, but I don't even think letting the riders change bikes is really a fair way to evaluate which bike is better.

1) I promise I'm going to be faster on my bike, because i've got x,xxx track miles on it. Some things are just second-nature to me now.

2) If my goal is to prove that your bike is slower, why would I push on your bike?

Now if the goal is just to prove who the better rider is, than it's more plausible that trading bikes matters. If i turn a faster lap than you can on YOUR bike, I think that probably makes me the better rider, but the debate started with negative comments about the ZX10's handling.

I only jumped-in because I thought it was incredibly comical that anyone thought a ZX14 would be a good choice on a road course, and wanted a free track day out of it :p

You are getting what I was saying exactly. For example, i do not own a 600 anymore, but I have a 1000... The 1000 is better for my riding style and what I do as a rider...

However, I do not own a GSXR600 nor a ZX10. Set me on both and allow me to set them to my likings and let's see which I can make faster laps on... The other thing to weigh is that the 1000 COULD lap faster, but to how much effort involved?

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^ lol. I heart bench racing.

a buddy of mine "laps" me almost every session. He has tire warmers, and I don't. We've learned to grid up far enough apart that he "laps" me at about 3 laps into the session. He comes by me, and it's game on :D

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^ lol. I heart bench racing.

a buddy of mine "laps" me almost every session. He has tire warmers, and I don't. We've learned to grid up far enough apart that he "laps" me at about 3 laps into the session. He comes by me, and it's game on :D

We both have warmers!

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  • 3 months later...

Which model gets 200 ponies? The one the rags get or the one that is actually for sale at the dealerships?

I used to be all about the ponies...but they dont mean much on the street and I'm sorry Kaw fans..but Kaw's chassis sucks ass and the ergonomics are horrible. If I had to go buy a brand new bike...it wouldn't be a Kaw based on what's available now. This new bike could change my opinion...but I seriously doubt it.

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I find the CBR's comfort to be just fine and will ride all day. Comfort is personal though and for my size I didn't need the extra room the ZX offers but it wasn't uncomfortable at all. I had a CBR1100XX that was okay for me but the Busa I had fit me perfectly, others will find just the opposite so it's really hard to define comfort on a sport bike.

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I'll have to take you up on that one UP. I've ridden a gixxer..but never a CBR. There is a difference in ergos between the zixxer and gixxer. I'm grateful that my 08 is waaaaaay better than the 06 was..but I know there's room for improvment. Brakes? Oh yeah...I'll give Kaw that. Didn't have to do a damn thing with the brakes. A+ in that department. Even kept me from hitting any more trees!

I guess I'm more interested in the little parts that make more of a difference than HP. Lately Kaw seems to lag in that department.

And exactly how long did it take for someone to say 'lets put the turn signals in the mirrors'?? I want my $250 back for importing my Kaw euro turn signals dammit.

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Agreed...one persons comfort is another person's agony. One's ass might be more sensitive than the next...or the distance from his ankle to his knee might be longer...even though he is smaller and lighter than the next. every bike is different..just like the riders. When I used to commute almost daily...it was bearable. But...having sat on a Busa almost two weeks ago I can say without a doubt that I would be much more comfortable on that bike. The zixxer is ideal for the track ergo wise...not so much for the street..but they don't really make sport bikes to commute to work and back so I'll leave it at that.

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