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New ZX10 announced today


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When I can pass the fast guys that are killing it on their SV650s' date=' I'll consider a bigger bike. Until then, my bitch ass is staying on the 600.[/quote']

I'm more talking about power delivery is too much for newbs; it can get them in a hairy situation fast. New 600's accelerate fast as well up to 100mph. You can ride your 1000 like a 600 in turns, but when they crack that throttle they will be more frightened than enjoying the ride when they are pointing up at the clouds..lol.

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We need to do what Europe does and have CC limits and progress riders like they do over there...

I have seen you post a lot of things and agree with most of them but this is the stupidest thing you have ever posted.

I think the limit would be better if they factored in a cc to weight ratio as well factoring in the size of the rider. Example: 150lb rider starting on 250cc, and if you're 250+ 500cc. Meh, just an idea.


We do not need any additional government intervention in our lives. Seatbelt and helmet laws are too much already. I use both but don't think it is necessary for the government to place their standards on me and I don’t need your standards either any more than you would like to live under mine.

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I have seen you post a lot of things and agree with most of them but this is the stupidest thing you have ever posted.


We do not need any additional government intervention in our lives. Seatbelt and helmet laws are too much already. I use both but don't think it is necessary for the government to place their standards on me and I don’t need your standards either any more than you would like to live under mine.

I understand the resistance for sure, but the reality is that if there was a step from smaller bikes to bigger bikes based on age, experience, etc, the results would be dramatic.

I hated to see kids that were 20 years old and the first bike they wanted to buy was an R1 due to the fact that the comic books stated it was the fastest sportbike that ever came about. I couldn't tell the kid to not buy it and he did. less than 3k miles later, he wadded it up and damn near got himself killed... He never bought another bike after that.

Same with even the 600s. They are too much for first time riders. Now, I have seen my fair share of smart riders that learn and progress and respect the bike thy ride, but that isn't the majority. It's like sending your kid to the Mid-Ohio teen driving school vs. just letting them buy whatever car they desire and throwing them the keys. Education and experience will only help people along the way...

I know we as Americans feel the Government steps in too often, but lok at cell phone use... The Government needs to step in and make laws to keep us from killing ourselves due to ignorance...

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A 1300cc cruiser is no more dangerous than a Ninja 250. I don't see the need for more government intervention in our lives.

If we need seatbelts in a motor vehicle because of safety I can't understand how we even allow motorcycles on the road. If I am paying for your insurance I don't want you to be able to take the risk of riding a motorcycle on the road, I think it's too dangerous and I don't want to take the risk of paying for your bills if you get hurt.

I don't think you should ever be able to drive a SUV by yourself you need to have it fully occupied. In fact you need to have a special license to purchase any vehicle that has more than two seats. You must show a need to have such a big vehicle and if you don't have a family forget about it. This means you won't be able to tow a trailer because it's just a waste of resources and is too heavy and dangerous for the rest of us just for you to have a little fun.

A tiered system is a very good idea but my ideas or experience doesn't translate into oppressing others to them.

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Americans are uneducated consumers, and bad drivers. Until that changes, people will always assume more power = faster, and likely "better."

Just this past Saturday, a friend's boyfriend was telling me how he "had to get rid of his 'jixxer 750' because (he) got too many tickets." I'd just met the guy, and we were walking to dinner when my wife pointed out a nice white VFR parked on the street. I agreed that VFR's were great bikes (proud of the wife for spotting it btw!), and he launched into a story about doing 160mph on his 750.

He ran his mouth for about 3 blocks before one of the other people we were with overheard him and said, "Chris - don't you race motorcycles?"

I commonly just say "yes" to that question rather than trying to explain track days, and bit my tongue HARD to avoid really embarrassing the guy by pointing out how little he knew.

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I understand the resistance for sure, but the reality is that if there was a step from smaller bikes to bigger bikes based on age, experience, etc, the results would be dramatic.

I totally agree that this would be an excellent idea and have good results but I don't think we need a government entity enforcing it.

As a test pilot program why don't you guys at STT implement the concept and work out any bugs that might come up before we make it a mandatory law for road use.

No fucking way!

I didn't think so.

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If we need seatbelts in a motor vehicle because of safety I can't understand how we even allow motorcycles on the road.

Good point. I for one dislike the seat belt law as well. People can make their own choice to wear it. Hell we put our kids on buses driven by strangers with no seat belts, but the driver gets one! WTF is that about!?

I like it when it's too cold to ride and we just debate amongst ourselves.


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Good point. I for one dislike the seat belt law as well. People can make their own choice to wear it. Hell we put our kids on buses driven by strangers with no seat belts, but the driver gets one! WTF is that about!?

Paternalistic laws are a joke. Revenue generators disguised as the government giving a shit. ha.

I think people should be allowed to do just about anything that doesn't put others at an unreasonable risk of harm. That said, I think poor decisions should have consequences.

You don't wear your seat belt; your head trauma is a lower priority than my broken ankle when you call the ambulance.

Help those who help themselves, and neglect those who neglect themselves. We're 80% of the way to a health care debate...

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